Our Ethics, Part I

by John Young


Welcome to Western Voices!  I’m John Young.

European Americans United is not merely an organization, it is a community. In fact, one of the objectives of the organization, as stated in our Constitution is: ‘To provide a social network that promotes social intercourse among members through a system of local chapters and special project groups and to encourage a friendly community spirit among members.’

Any time you move from being a group of isolated individuals to a community, the subject of ethics comes to the fore. That is because the community needs to develop an ethical framework that orders the behavior of its individual members in such a way that the long-range interests of the community as a whole are advanced. This is not necessarily an either/or proposition. After all, a rising tide lifts all boats and thus anything that benefits the community as a whole will likely benefit the individuals who comprise it. Likewise, when an individual gains benefit through honorable means, his gains benefit and strengthen the community as a whole.Before European Americans United was created, we formed a group of activists to analyze the failures of other European-American advocacy groups. While we identified many causes that we sought to rectify in the creation of EAU, the biggest problems we found were ethical in nature; both from a lack of understanding of the practical applicaton of ethical principles to the understanding of our people’s plight and from an inconsistent application of ethics among membership and leadership of organizations, causing a loss of confidence.

We have taken three approaches to these ethical challenges. The first is by radically changing the method of leadership to incorporate transparency and two-way communication. The second is by adopting a Statement of Ethics to which all members and leaders agree in writing. The third is through education in ethics so that members, future members, leaders and future leaders fully understand not only how they should behave, but why. This broadcast is the first of a series dedicated to ethical education, and doesn’t explore so much the ‘what’ of ethics, but the ‘why.’

Think back to cave-man days. Why did our ancestors congregate into communities?  There were likely many reasons, but among these were the protection afforded by strength in numbers, the insurance of care for children if a parent should die, and the increased resources made available to each member through group cooperation. John Jay described some of the prerequisites for a successful community in Federalist Number Two:

‘With equal pleasure I have often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people – a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs …’

Pay particular attention to Jay’s reference to religion, manners and customs. What he is talking about is ethics. Even back in John Jay’s day there were numerous religious denominations in America including Puritans, Moravians, Baptists, Methodists and even people who weren’t Christian at all. What he was referencing was the fact that no matter what religions were practiced, the core ideals for how people should interact were the same.

This is important. You cannot maintain a cohesive and effective community if the individuals within that community have different ideas of right and wrong. If their ideas of right and wrong differ significantly, then it is impossible to build trust within the community. And without trust, the community cannot survive.

Imagine, again, back in cave man times. Imagine five parents in a cave each watching their own babies while preparing a group meal. One of the parents notices the need to go bring in more wood for the fire. He entrusts the care of his child to the other parents of his community and goes out to get the wood. But what if one of the other parents believed in cannibalism and another believed it was okay to kill other people’s children in order to secure a greater share of resources for his own offspring?  Well, the efficiency of the community would go down the tubes. The parent couldn’t leave his child in the care of other people in order to go cut wood. He’d either have to form a protective coalition – a special interest subgroup – within the larger community in order to secure care for his child, or he would have to bring it with him to gather wood. Either way, effort that could previously be invested in productive labor that helped each individual and the community as a whole would now have to be invested in either special interest groups or in hauling around a baby while chopping wood. The whole community suffers for this.

Look now to the sick society pervading the United States today. Think, for a moment, about how many contracts you sign or otherwise agree to nowadays on at least a weekly basis. You sign contracts to repay loans – that’s pretty obvious. But you also accept a contract as a prerequisite for using computer software, using an ATM machine, and often even surfing a website. Why?  Because the broader American society has become so riddled with con artists of various stripes – both of the legal and illegal variety – that everyone feels the need to proactively protect themselves from fraud. Cars come pre-equipped with alarm systems. Most homes have TWO locks on exterior doors rather than just one. And we employ more attorneys per capita than any other country on earth. It is impossible to calculate the true and complete cost of all of this distrust, but I’m sure you can agree that the United States is no longer a community in any real sense.

European Americans United is a community in which membership is voluntary. You don’t have to join. As a voluntary community dedicated to resolving some of the most difficult and important problems that have ever faced our people, we cannot afford the overhead caused by the strife engendered by divergent ethical worldviews. By maintaining and adherring to a common set of ethical ideals, the members and leaders of our voluntary community will all benefit individually, and the community will benefit as a whole. This series of broadcasts will explore our ethics in-depth; but I want to use this first in the series to give a comprehensive overview of what we expect of each other so that you can decide whether or not you can dedicate yourself to our community with a clear conscience.

I would like to start with a reading of our Statement of Ethics.

‘As an organization dedicated to the preservation and exaltation of classical European values, we ask that our members and leaders maintain or develop a personal moral code germane to and reconcilable with that ancient value system. Generally, we respect our members’ liberty to conduct themselves as they wish, so long as their behavior does not potentially harm or bring disgrace upon themselves, our organization, or our people as a whole.

The plight of our people demands members who can devote themselves to honorable lives and deeds; we neither have the time nor the interest to work with those who cannot live by the principles for which we fight daily. Therefore, we expect our members to have pride in themselves, their family, and their race, and to always conduct themselves accordingly; we expect our members to value truth and righteousness and to be genuine and fair in all their dealings; we expect our members to value beauty, discipline, and progress and to strive to create and/or maintain distinctively impressive standards in art, education, and their professions; we expect our members to work for social justice and to respect and afford opportunity to their peers based not on their class or creed, but instead on their moral character and personal achievement; we expect our members to set a positive, productive example for their family and community in all of their manners and behaviors, including the maintenance of their physical appearance and their choice of acquaintances and personal habits; we expect our members to advance their education or employment in such a way that will enrich themselves and, by extension, benefit the organization and our people; we expect our members to respect and preserve the natural environment and to strive for its protection and restoration; ultimately, we expect our members to consider the welfare of their people and the impact thereunto of all their deeds, speech, and advocacies.’

That’s a mouthful, but every word of it is important. This is a set of standards that, if faithfully adopted, will greatly increase the odds of success in all of your endeavors and by extension will help our voluntary community and our people as a whole. That is, after all, the purpose of our ethical standards: to orient our community toward the positive and to steer clear of strife and the negative. There is nothing in this Statement of Ethics that contradicts the tenets of any sensible religion, but it is an admittedly high standard similar to the Code of Chivalry of the Christian knights or the Noble Virtues of Asatru. These values have been part and parcel of the success of our people and culture since before we had written language; and the extent to which our people and their leaders have strayed from them is also the extent to which we have become endangered.

So, for now, carefully consider the ethics of our community. Look within your heart and soul, and ask yourself if you are ready for this sort of commitment. We do not expect perfection, but we definitely expect commitment. If you are ready, and are otherwise qualified, you will be welcomed into our community to mutual benefit. If not, don’t despair – there are still contributions you can make to our people as a whole through working with other organizations that have less stringent requirements of their members and leaders.

Now I would like to take a moment to explore how a lack of ethics among our own people and national leaders explains the plight in which we now find ourselves.

Dozens of Internet sites, dozens of scholarly books and perhaps thousands of articles have been dedicated to explaining, documenting and proving the critical role that organized Jewish Supremacists have played in our immigration problems, war mongering and even the pervasiveness of pornography. But very few of these books or articles devote more than even a paragraph to exploring the much more critical role played by persons of European ancestry in positions of leadership.

Because EAU members value truth, I will not deny the overwhelming evidence that organized Jewish Supremacists have played a critical role in a number of areas that negatively impact our people; or even that their work has been purposely planned with the explicit purpose of destroying our people. While this group of Jewish Supremacists is small and by no means encompasses the whole of the Jewish people, their dedication to our destruction that has kept them busy for at least the past five generations has most certainly borne fruit. For information and documentation of the foregoing I strongly recommend Kevin MacDonald’s “Culture of Critique” and David Duke’s soon-to-be-released second edition of “Jewish Surpemacism.”  But, what I am also going to tell you is that all of the multi-generational machinations in the world on the part of Jewish Supremacists would have been a complete and total waste of time except for the one crucial factor that they could exploit, but could not manufacture on their own:  corrupt, dishonest, greedy, hedonistic and morally twisted white people.

As an example, Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s brilliant and extensive research exhaustively documented the role that Jewish Supremacist organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League played in changing our immigration laws in 1965. Those changes, in and of themselves, guaranteed that all further immigration to the United States would be 90% non-European. The ADL even bragged about actually writing the law. But who was that law’s shepard?  Ted Kennedy, the unmistakably white and unmistakably gentile Senator from Massachusetts. And who signed that law?  None other than Lyndon B. Johnson – another unmistakably white and clearly non-Jewish male. Both of them acted dishonorably in lying about the contents of the law to the American people, and both of them put themselves in the service of special interests hostile to their own people. If these men had acted honorably, fairly and genuinely the ADL would have been powerless. It is dishonorable white men who gave them power, and continue to give them power.

At this very moment, the United States Congress has what is called a super-majority of white members of non-Jewish ancestry. That is, they have enough members as a block to override any Presidential veto and impose whatever legislation they wish, impeach and remove any federal judge from office and practically anything else they desire. Anybody with half a brain knows what our Congress needs to do: shut down our border, deport illegal aliens, hold mega-corporations accountable, stop outsourcing our jobs and break up the monolithic media conglomerates. And that’s just for starters. All of these issues are non-controversial for anyone paying attention. Yet our Congress has done little or nothing along these lines.

It might interest you to know what these “great” white men and women in Congress have been up to. Well, for one thing, they’ve been taking an unprecedented amount of money from corporate lobbyists on every issue under the sun from denying bankruptcy protection for millions to keeping our borders open for cheap labor. According to Political MoneyLine, a nonpartisan research service that tracks campaign contributions, members of Congress received a mind-blowing $311 million just from industry PACs during the 2005-2006 election cycle. http://www.fecinfo.com/ That doesn’t count the money from the members’ own PACs or from ideological PACs. Money from ideological PACs such as George Soros’ groups is extremely difficult to trace and likely dwarfs money from industry PACs.

When they are all done collecting money from lobbyists, our great white Congressmen often become lobbyists themselves. And all too-often, they become lobbyists for the very industries and issues they were supposed to be regulating as legislators.http://www.publicintegrity.org/hiredguns/report.aspx?aid=747

You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to understand that our overwhelmingly white Congress is unspeakably corrupt. Nobody who is expecting to get a multi-million dollar job from a regulated industry after leaving Congress is going to act honorably while in a legislative capacity.

But what about everyday white Americans?  Hard-core pornography pervades American culture and it is overwhelmingly purchased by white males. But what are these white males supporting when they use pornography?  According to Nathan Abrams in the Winter, 2004 Jewish Quarterly:

‘Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle between Christian America and secular humanism. According to Ford, Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast’. Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having ‘to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an “up yours” to these people’. Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said (on lukeford.net), ‘The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.’ Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged.’ http://www.jewishquarterly.org/article.asp?articleid=38

I have heard a lot of people complain about the role a subset of Jews plays in the expoitation and debasement of white women. But nobody is putting a gun to the heads of the white males who buy this filth and thus enable it. If white men stopped buying such porn, it would practically disappear. Again, perhaps some of the purveyors of porn have bad intentions, but those intentions are powerless unless enabled by people who need to reform their ethics. I’m going to state this as clearly as it can be stated: when you purchase hard-core pornography you weaken our culture through enabling moral subversion and the exploitation of women. It is highly dishonorable behavior, and yet one more example of how ethical lapses on the part of white people contribute to our own demise.  I am not condemning all erotica, of course, because not all erotica is subversive to our people.  But if your internal moral compass is operational, you will certainly recognize the type of filth to which I am referring and avoid it like the plague that it is.

Now, nobody from European Americans United is going to start following you around and nosing through your trash.   What I am saying is that ethics are important and have a far reaching impact that isn’t always immediately apparent. So members of our community need to pay attention to make sure their behavior places them as part of the solution rather than part of the problem. The crux of the matter is that if you wish to exalt your people, it can only be accomplished by individuals raising themselves up to that higher level of ethical awareness. We have all acted dishonorably at times or fallen short of our standards. Nobody is perfect, and nobody with any sense expects perfection. But what we do expect is an aspiration to do better and better. A person with a distinct sense of ethics stands taller, speaks more clearly and acts with fewer reservations. Such a person actually feels better about himself or herself, and thus dares to reach for more than would otherwise be considered possible. Ethical lapses happen, but if you have a clear sense of the purpose behind ethical principles, you’ll get right back up, right your wrongs, and move forward.

And this brings me to another important point concerning ethics and the European Americans United community today. A community that shares a common ethical framework helps all of its members stay within that framework. It helps by creating an environment that provides positive reinforcement for actions that benefit the community. This is a synergistic process that allows the individuals within a community to maximize their individual potential and reinforce each other. It allows the members of the community to reach heights of accomplishment that would otherwise be impossible.

So think about what I’ve said today; and consider the importance and repercussions of our ethics. Consider, too, what you think about our Statement of Ethics, and how it strikes you. Think about what it means, and what effect it will have on your life, to join a community of people who uphold such standards. This is a critical part of the solution to our people’s plight. I sincerely hope that you will chose to join EAU as part of that solution.

Let me leave you with an anonymous poem:

Invitation to a Different Dance
If you do what you’ve always done,
you’ll get what you’ve always got.

If you think what you’ve always thought,
you’ll do what you’ve always done,
and you’ll get what you’ve always got.

If you learn as you’ve always learned,
you’ll think what you’ve always thought,
you’ll do what you’ve always done,
and you’ll get what you’ve always got.

Look for my next broadcast in two weeks, when we will move beyond the “why” of ethics into the particulars. This has been John Young. Thank you for joining me today.
