The Gods of Political Correctness

Look at the ginned-up outrage over Marine Gen. Peter Pace

by George Neumayr

As America careens from one artificial public controversy to the next, it becomes more and more obvious that politically correct liberalism dominates both parties, albeit in varying degrees of intensity. The Democrats represent full-throttle political correctness while Republicans stand ready to advance political correctness just a little bit more slowly.

One of the Democrats’ most successful rackets is to label any Republican position, no matter how timid, “extremist.” This ensures that skittish Republicans will eventually even step away from that timid position.

The “conservative” position, under the pressures of this demagoguery, inevitably becomes the liberal one of yesteryear, and then a little time passes and that position is deemed outrageous. This is seen across the board — such as when Democrats and Republicans squabble pointlessly over the rate of growth of federal programs that shouldn’t exist in the place — but it shows up most starkly on moral issues.

Look at the ginned-up outrage over Marine Gen. Peter Pace’s opposition to homosexual behavior in the military — a dispute which is designed to make even support for Bill Clinton’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy appear “extremist.” After suffering more than a decade of political correctness mau-mauing, Republicans have gone from opposing that policy in 1992 as a stupid and needless relaxation of a total ban on homosexuals to supporting that policy (as a Clinton-era concession to liberalism) to signaling a willingness to embrace the full-blown PC position on gays in the military, which is: Don’t Care. For those keeping score, today’s outlandishly “conservative” position, as determined by the ever-changing scale of political correctness, is Bill Clinton’s policy.Pace violated a sacred precept of life under political correctness, one which the Republicans have learned to incorporate into their agenda so well that they are now on the verge of becoming a pro-choice, pro-civil unions party: Never ever disapprove of vices political correctness has renamed virtues. Commit sins and the gods of political correctness will reward you; condemn them and they will destroy you.
