Tennessee: Media Coverup of a Horrendous Hate Crime

Shocking torture, rape and murder of White couple

Commentary by David Duke

Most people reading this have never heard the names of the young White couple at the University of Tennessee who were brutally raped, tortured and murdered by five African Americans. They were Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Practically everyone in America has heard the name of James Byrd, Jr., the African American ex-con who was murdered by three White ex-cons in Jasper, Texas. There have been profiles of Byrd and his murder and the dragging of his body on dozens of national TV programs in America and around the world. His grieving family was interviewed frequently on national news programs and his funeral was attended by leading politicians and dignitaries from all over America and many foreign countries. After Byrd met his death in 1998, the aspects of the murder and the trial of the perpetrators made front page news for almost two years. Since that time hardly a month has gone by without major news stories and commentaries about the Byrd killing. A search of Google News shows that articles still appear about this extremely rare case in which Whites killed a Black. In the Galveston Daily News there was a story on March 9 revealing an opening of a major photo exhibit dealing with the Byrd case.

In the Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom case, a young White couple was kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered. Four Black males and one Black female brutally raped Channon while Christopher was beaten and forced to look on, then the Black attackers cut Christopher’s penis off and he was set afire. The five Blacks beat and raped Channon, sodomized her, forced oral sex upon her, cut off her breasts and poured toxic cleaning fluid down her mouth in an attempt to destroy DNA evidence. Channon’s and Christopher’s body parts were recovered a few days later.I and every American condemn the brutal murder of James Byrd, but we must also condemn the media that make an international story of White ex-cons killing a Black ex-con (who was in and out of prison 7 times), but that somehow find the story of the brutal torture, rape and murder of a young White couple not worthy of a line of news coverage outside of Knoxville. I even went back and looked at the local Knoxville news coverage of the Newsom and Christian murder and compared it to the local Knoxville coverage at the time of the Byrd case. I found that even in Knoxville itself coverage of Byrd’s murder a thousand miles away in Texas received far more coverage than this brutal torture, rape and slaying. Covering James Byrd’s death was more important to the local press than the murder of two of Knoxville’s own in the town where they lived, fell in love, went to university and where they met one of the most horrible deaths one could imagine.

President Clinton called the killing of Byrd an “act of evil” that was “shocking and outrageous.” “Our work for racial reconciliation and . . . an end to all crimes of hatred in this country will go on,” he promised.

There has been not a single word from any nationally known person (other than me) on this case. In truth, I am certain that the incredible attention given the Byrd killing contributed to this hate crime in Knoxville. In fact, White on Black crime is only a tiny fraction of Black on White crime, but whenever interracial crime is portrayed in movies or on TV programs, in documentaries or even in national news stories — it almost always concerns White against Black crimes. In terms of cross race crimes, Blacks rape White women 100 times more often than Whites rape Blacks. If that sounds incorrect to you, Google the Color of Crime Report which shows the precise federal crime figures that prove exactly what I say. In terms of gang attacks, for every one Black attacked by multiple assailants or gangs, 200 whites are attacked by Blacks. It is not hateful or racist to discuss the facts on these matters. The White victims of non-White crime deserve just as much attention as the very small number Black victims of White crime. If Whites were raping Black women a 100 to 1, there would be marches in the streets, nonstop documentaries exposing what would be described as racist attacks against Black women. Don’t White women deserve just as much respect and security as our society would provide Black women?

