“Immigration has de-stabilised many areas of the UK.”
News article filed by BNP news team
Immigration could threaten Britain’s status as a country, claims social policy think-tank Civitas.
A report claims that Britain may have reached a point where it can no longer be viewed as a single nation, and that if the UK becomes a “nation of immigrants”, then it could eventually lead to political disintegration.
The huge rise in immigration has put pressure on resources such as housing, healthcare and schools. The government claims that immigration is necessary to fill gaps in the labour market, but if more were done to provide meaningful training for those who are unemployed, or re-training for those who have been the victim of large scale redundancies, then there would be no “gaps” in the labour market.Immigration has de-stabilised many areas of the UK. There has never been immigration on the scale of today – Normans, Vikings and Huguenots made up less than 1% of the population of the country during their migration to the UK. In some regions, white Britons are now a minority.