BBC Bans BNP Election Broadcast

BBC Radio Wales pulls program

News article filed by British National Party news team

The English language audio broadcast which was due to be aired at 21:55 tonight on BBC Radio Wales has been pulled by the Corporation’s lawyers.

Despite excellent co-operation from the BBC technical experts who worked closely with technicians from BNPtv and Great White Records senior editors have refused to air the party election broadcast following advice from the Corporation’s lawyers. They believe that the broadcast is defamatory of the Chief Constable of North Wales Police, Richard Brunstrom.

The broadcast does indeed focus on the record of the Chief Constable, one of the most politically correct cops in the country and is justifiably scathing about his forces’ handling of the Wrexham riots in the summer of 2003 but as a senior public figure funded by taxpayers he is in a position where he expects to be robustly criticised in the same way government ministers and senior politicians of all parties expect criticism.The State broadcaster refused to carry the broadcast unless references to Mr. Brunstrom were removed. We believe that the collusion of senior police officers in the social engineering experiment of political correctness is fundamentally wrong in a democracy and undermines the real role of the police to protect and to serve. The BNP production team decided that it would seriously weaken our message in this respect and have selected the audio track of the English language television broadcast to be aired instead.

In the days of the Internet the BBC and other giant broadcasters no longer have a monopoly on dissemination of news and views and we are making the banned broadcast available for listeners.

BNP Welsh Assembly members will seek to sack the Mad Mullah of the speed tax Taliban and replace him with a policeman who understands the job of the police is not to meddle in politics but to protect our people and communities from criminals.

You can listen for yourselves and wonder what all the fuss is about, if this is the kind of commonsense message the censors at the BBC want to ban, just what agenda are the BBC editors following?, with links

Program in
