UK: Pensioner Banned From Care Centre For Voting BNP

Britain’s wreckers show their true colors, contempt for free political expression and lack of respect for the elderly

News article filed by British National Party news team
From the West Midlands town of Solihull comes a shocking story of blatant discrimination against a vulnerable pensioner by the bully boys of the Labour Party.

73 yr old Mr Ray Beasley has attended Wagon Lane Day Centre Solihull for more than 16 years after suffering a stroke. The manager of the Day Centre recently told him “he was no longer allowed on Council property” and was ‘banned for good’ after he said he had voted BNP in last years’ council elections. Also, that “he did not fit the criteria for a place at a Day Centre because of his attitude”. Mr Beasley, a Chelmsley Wood resident for 35 years then contacted his local Labour councillor Mr Alf Hill, whom he had known personally when working previously at the same firm, and whom he had previously supported in the Labour Party. In a telephone call, Mr Hill, in typical Labour fashion told Mr.Beasley he wouldn’t help him and that he should contact the BNP.

We note that in the Solihull News, week ended 5 April 2007, the leaders of the Borough’s Tory, Lib Dems and Labour parties met up to sign a race relations compact for their 2007 election campaigning. The compact pledged that the three leaders will represent the interests of the people of Solihull regardless of race, sex, colour, religion or any other discriminating factor and promote good race relations.” Labour discrimination

Why then would Mr Alf Hill, long standing Labour councillor not help Mr Beasley?

We have also learnt from Mr Beasley, who has no relatives except an elderly sister, that he has no electricity in his bedroom. The Fire Brigade have told him it is too dangerous. He has been waiting for Solihull Council to rewire his flat, but has heard nothing since Christmas. Why wouldn’t Mr Alf Hill help him with this problem?

Since Monday 23rd April, when this was reported to the Solihull BNP Organiser, via Mr Beasley’s call to our National Enquiry line, Chelmsley Wood BNP Cllr George Morgan, visited Mr Beasley the same day within two hours of learning of his plight. Mr Beasley said “I am proud to be English – my father fought at the Battle of the Somme and I was in the British Army for five years – am I wrong to be proud of my country?” Andy Terry, Chelmsley Wood BNP councillor candidate in this year’s Elections has also visited. We will keep in touch with Mr Beasley as he feels vulnerable and isolated. He said he feels lonely as now he can’t go to the Day Centre so has no one to talk to.

Cllr George Morgan is taking up his case with Solihull Council and we are keeping in regular contact with Mr Beasley. He has now applied to join our Party!


Let’s show Ray that he has a family who cares about him and that he is not alone as he battles for a safe home and for justice against Labour’s bully boys. Cards and messages of goodwill can be sent to Ray Beasley c/o our own BNP Councillor.

Cllr. George Morgan
Council House
B91 9QT

It is just as well that Solihull has a BNP councillor who will look after the interests of local people. How many similar cases are there across the country when there is no BNP councillor to help?

Another good reason to punish Labour in the polls on Thursday – Labour has to go!
