On the Verge of Victory – Don’t Give Up!

by John Young

Supporters of S1348 have failed in their first attempt this evening to secure the 60 votes needed for cloture that would end debate on the bill and position it for a full vote that it would certainly pass.

Senate supporters are planning a second cloture vote for later this evening, so it’s not too late to call and leave a message for your Senator!


According to Bloomberg.com we are NOT exaggerating the effects of this bill! According to a description of what is going on this evening: “June 7 (Bloomberg) — Senate negotiators sought to rescue immigration legislation that would grant legal status to 12 million undocumented aliens after the measure failed a critical test vote.” (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aFWNkgVi7llc&refer=us)

Because the effects of this bill, if passed, would be so devastating, European Americans United continues to urge you to contact your Senators! Even swaying a single vote to prevent cloture could be enough!
