Ethnic Warfare – In The United States?

Will the ongoing Balkanization of the United States lead to its inevitable fragmentation?


Saddam Hussein wisely recognized that the only way he could hold Iraq together was through a credible threat of ruthless power, applied to anyone speaking about internecine strife, or perhaps daring to criticize the government. Now that we have liberated Iraq and gotten rid of Saddam, that fractured nation is on the edge of a seemingly inevitable civil war, involving as many as a half-dozen different “armies.”

That is terrible! Thank God it couldn’t happen here – or could it? Surely you can recall some of the many violent riots in which black mobs stormed through city streets, burning and looting because of some irrationally perceived, racial injustice. Those incidents were eventually controlled because the rioters were relatively small in number, their aims were unclear, and they weren’t well organized, in spite of repeated attempts by dangerously radical leaders to form them into effective, powerful revolutionary fighting forces.

What if there now is forming what may become a significant insurrectionist, revolutionary army? What if that army of millions hate Norte Americanos and has, as an objective, the return of several of our southwestern states to Mexico? That “army” may already be here. Several authoritative estimates place the number of illegal Mexicans in the U.S. at from 15 to 35 million. Judging by what I’ve heard and read while traveling across the southern states, many of them share a popular belief that: “Mexico’s poverty is a result of your having captured some of our richest lands, such as states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. If you hadn’t taken them by force, there would be no need for us to cross a border to your country, while seeking work.”
