Europeans Have to Stop Talking. They Have to Act

Destructive effects of Third World immigration are becoming impossible to ignore

by Fjordman

In March this year, native Dutch residents of the city of Utrecht the riots by sealing off the area and installing surveillance cameras to control Dutch non-Muslims, but they have done virtually nothing to address the underlying problem of Muslim violence. And this is far from unique to the Netherlands.

Sweden experienced a quadrupling in the number of rape charges in the space of a single generation. Yet Sweden’s largest newspaper Aftonbladet recently indicated that the spike in rape numbers was which would presumably mean that these rapes are caused by global warming. The fact that many of the suspects have a Muslim background is purely coincidental, no doubt.

The Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander is worried about the “sharp tone” of the debate surrounding Muslim immigration, and reminds his countrymen that “speech is silver, silence is golden.” Apparently, the rest of the Dutch political class shares this view, relieved that and Ayaan Hirsi Ali was driven out of the country.I hear some observers say that the political elites in Western Europe are “powerless” to stop Jihad street violence. But they are extremely aggressive in suppressing criticism of continued Muslim immigration, which indicates that they are not powerless, they are actively hostile to native non-Muslims. It’s time Europeans realize that, and act accordingly.

Dozens of boys and girls have been systematically abused, intimidated and molested by a group of older boys in the Utrecht neighbourhood of Overvecht for almost a year, the Telegraaf reports. Municipal council member Bouchra Dibi (Labour PvdA) investigated the incidents taking place at the playground near the Neckardreef in Overvecht.

Children aged 8, 9 and 10 were dragged into the bushes and coerced into performing sexual acts on boys a few years older. Most of the children involved are of Moroccan background, the newspaper reports. The municipal council member told the Telegraaf that the problems are not being addressed. “This has been going on for almost a year. People just talk and talk and talk. And nothing is done,” she said.
