New Haven to Issue Illegals ID

“Aimed At Integration”

Jessica Pupovac – AHN

New Haven, CT – A program approved last month by the Board of Aldermen for the city of New Haven, Connecticut, will officially go into effect July 25, when thousands of local undocumented immigrants are issued legitimate U.S. identification cards. The program, approved by a 25-1 vote, runs contrary to a growing national trend in which localities are attempting to curb illegal immigration through punitive measures, such as arrest, deportation and exclusion from public services.

The program is believed to be the first of it’s kind in the nation.The ID cards will be issued in an attempt to curb local crime by making undocumented immigrants more likely to report crimes or cooperate with local authorities. They will also allow them the opportunity to establish bank accounts, access local libraries and enjoy other public services that officials hope will help them integrate into the community and avoid becoming the target of robberies and other crimes.
