“Pork rain” complaints from pushy Muslims
News article filed by BNP news team
More evidence that Muslims haven’t settled in Britain to adopt to our ways, but instead continue to push their own agenda, comes after it was announced that Muslims have objected to plans to build a pet food factory on the grounds that it could rain down pork!
Butchers Pet Care, who planned to build a factory in Coton Park near Rugby, now may have to back down after the Muslims complained to the residents association about the potential for pork smells to drift into their gardens and thus violate their religious rights. The Muslims also claim that the chimney of the proposed factory would “rain down” pork onto their homes and gardens after meat extracts are pumped into the atmosphere.
The local are saying that a large proportion of meats used in pet foods are pig meats, and that they would, in effect, be consuming pork by inhalation if it were to “rain down” on them from the factory chimney.Contamination
They claim that their clothes would also be contaminated.
A residents association spokesman said that there was a significant Muslim element in the area, so the factory could be a problem, and they were taking the complaints very seriously. As well as their clothes and skin being “contaminated” the Muslims also believe that their faith will be contaminated by the owners of the pet food factory.
Butchers Pet Care responded by saying that they used mainly beef and chicken products in their pet foods, and pork accounted for less than 10% of the range. It was highly unlikely that Coton Park would be affected by the smell of pork. The company stressed that it did not burn any animal material and that an environmental impact assessment had shown that emissions would not have an adverse impact on the surrounding areas.