Colleges ‘Re-educate’ Students About ‘Evil’ White Culture

White students are experiencing the fate of Winston Smith (the fictional character in George Orwell’s 1984) whose “false consciousness” must be purged to make him fit with the new society.

Language was a prime factor in the murder of 6 million Jews by the National Socialists in Germany and 60 million to 80 million “class enemies” by communists in Russia and China. Today, similar language is being used in American colleges and universities to annihilate the history, culture and self-esteem of white people.

Halls of learning have become reeducation camps, where legions of “diversity educators” and “sensitivity trainers” strive to “get inside” the minds of white students and replace private conscience, identity and belief with group guilt.

Propaganda and emotional manipulation are used to teach whites to think the best about “people of color” and the worst about themselves. Whites are cold, logical and distant (“ice people”). Blacks are warm, intuitive, empathetic and spontaneous. Whites are relentlessly acquisitive. Blacks are in harmony with nature. Whites as a group use the “power structure” that they control to victimize blacks as a group.

The most prominent of the reeducators is Jane Elliott. (Pictured right with friend)

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