MA: Newton HRC Votes To Immediately Cease Participation In “No Place For Hate”

Cites ADL Opposition to Armenian Genocide Legislation

ANCEM Press Release
September 12, 2007

Newton, MA – The Newton Human Rights Commission, last night, unanimously voted to “immediately cease participation in the ADL’s NPFH [No Place for Hate program, until the national ADL fully and unequivocally recognizes the Armenian Genocide and actively supports Congressional resolution HR106,” reported the Armenian National Committee of Eastern Massachusetts (ANC-EM). The recommendation will be presented to Newton Mayor David Cohen, who, according to the Boston Globe, has stated that he will make a final decision in the next few days.

“We commend the Newton Human Rights Commission for their principled position in opposing any connection with the ADL until they forthrightly acknowledge the Armenian Genocide and support Armenian Genocide legislation,” stated ANC EM representative Sonya Merian. “We must send a clear message to the national ADL that half- measures are not acceptable when discussing the Armenian Genocide.”Over 100 community members and activists from diverse backgrounds voiced strident concern about any association with the ADL, given their opposition to Armenian Genocide legislation. New England ADL representatives urged the Commission to continue with the project, noting that the national ADL will review Congressional Resolution support in November. In addressing the Commission, Mayor Cohen referred to the national ADL’s position “an ongoing injustice” and went on to state that “The resolution that we have in the U.S. Congress is one of the best pieces of legislation that deserves passage . . . it is incumbent on the ADL to support it.”

Two weeks prior to this meeting, on August 21st, the Newton Human Rights Commission held a special meeting to discuss the ADL controversy. The Commission sent a letter to the New England ADL Board stipulating that program participation would require the national ADL to “fully and unequivocally recognize the Armenian Genocide” and “actively support Congressional resolution HR106.”

Towns throughout Massachusetts are reconsidering their affiliation with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its “No Place for Hate” programs, citing concerns about the ADL’s opposition to Armenian Genocide recognition.
