Clinton Targets Blacks in First S.C. Radio Ad

Nearly half of the 2004 Democratic primary voters in South Carolina were African American.

ABC News’ Eloise Harper Reports: Democratic candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., launched her first radio ad in the early voting state of South Carolina on Monday — targeting African American Democrats in the state.

Nearly half of the 2004 Democratic primary voters in South Carolina were African American.

The ad, aired on predominantly black radio stations in South Carolina, continues a theme Clinton espouses often on the campaign trial, that the senator “has spent her life standing up for people others don’t see,” the ad narrator says.

“If you’re stuck on a rooftop or stranded in the Superdome during a hurricane, you’re invisible to this president even when you’re on CNN,” Clinton says in the 60-second ad, referring to New Orleans residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
