…you got ‘owned.’
We at Western Voices World News and European Americans United would like to thank the Jena 6 for being too stupid to resist the posting of these pictures (link below).
As for the hyper sensitive white liberals who donated their money and time; who want to see the world resist the law of Nature through a fabricated ‘equality’ myth, the Jena 6 thanks you as well. However, you can always redeem yourself by contributing the same amount of money to Mr. Barker, the beating victim.
It’s actually quite simple. Black racism remains a dynamic phenomenon because African Americans have been told, ad nauseum, by “civil rights leaders” and by leftist whites in influential organizations like the ACLU, to look outside of themselves for the roots of every ill that plagues their community; to reflexively blame white society for their problems rather than to take responsibility for their own lives; and to view themselves as the oppressed and powerless victims of a white “power structure,” a status they are led to believe renders them somehow incapable of being genuine racists themselves — no matter how much they may detest the white people they perceive to be their tormenters. Moreover, they have been taught to angrily reject astute observations like those of Bill Cosby, who has publicly lamented how illegitimacy, parental neglect, lack of educational effort, and bad behavior have decimated black life.