Never Christmas

A battle of light against darkness

News article filed by BNP news team
The social engineers are unceasing in their attempts to rebuild Britain in their own image. Centuries of tradition, millennia of social evolution mean nothing to the Marxists who see every baby born in this country as a blank slate on which to paint their own distorted picture of human society.

The latest offerings from Gordon Brown’s most trusted think–tank, the Institute for Public Policy Research include the downgrading of Christmas. Based on the false premise that Britain is no longer a Christian nation the IPPR suggests that Christmas should be downgraded in favour of festivals from other religions to improve race relations.

The think tank concedes it would be hard to “expunge” Christmas from the national calendar, so a policy of “even-handedness” is demanded, meaning that public organisations must start giving other religions equal footing.Christmas is the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ over 2000 years ago. Yet this winter holiday has its roots millennia before that event in the pagan celebration of Yule, the celebration of the passing of the shortest day on the calendar and the rebirth of the sun. It has been a special celebration for our kinfolk for thousands of years. Today it is an event which millions of families eagerly anticipate to brighten up the dark days of winter, literally by the colourful decoration of homes and workplaces and metaphorically by the prospect of gift giving and receiving, a sumptuous dinner and family parties. For some it means a few lazy days in front of the television, for others it is an opportunity to renew bonds with perhaps far flung family and friends and for many more a chance to escape from the work routine and have a restful few days away from the stress of the workplace.

However individuals spend the days at the end of December it is a special time of year with ancient roots and has a special place in the hearts and minds of Britons.

If the Marxists want to pick a fight with this particular tradition let them bring it on; in the red corner stands a handful of former political students with little understanding of the real world but who are desperate to impose their Marxist world-view on human society. In the blue corner stand the millions of church-going Christians, those who tick the Christian box on official forms and the secular and those of other faiths who just love Christmas.

If the Marxists want to impose a bleak multiculti winter upon us, where we can never celebrate the light of Christmas then this is one battle that they, the forces of darkness, must surely and sorely lose.
