Four Year Plan

Freshman orientation Lesson 1: all whites are racists.

by Richard B. Spencer

As almost every aspect of the American university has been drenched in political correctness, a certain outrage fatigue has set in. Who is still shocked by news of Shakespeare being replaced by P. Diddy, lectures on the political implications of masturbation, and photographic retrospectives on the Black Panther Movement? Wouldn’t it be best just to roll one’s eyes and move on?

Perhaps not. Over the past two weeks, news has come out of Delaware that the state’s public institution organized a freshmen orientation that, even for the most hardened of academic observers, would seem sinister and bizarre.

Last August, the Office of Residential Life gave all prospective RA’s—the student residential advisers who manage the freshmen dorms—a “Diversity Training Handbook” that averred, “all white people living in the United States” are racists, implicated in an “institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression.” The rest of the manual reads like history of the world as recounted by Al Sharpton. A professional “diversity trainer,” Shakti Butler, was on hand to make sure the message got across.In September, Residence Life scheduled one-on-one “orientation” sessions with these RA’s and all 4,000 incoming freshmen. The students had expected to discuss roommate problems. Instead they got, “When were you first made aware of your race?” “When did you discover your sexual identity?” and “When have you felt oppressed?”

In group sessions, the freshmen were made to play act being a poor black family facing racial harassment. In another variant, the RA’s situated the students in the center of the dorm’s common area and hung two signs on opposite walls, “Agree” and “Disagree.” They then made a series of political statements—“gays should be able to marry,” “affirmative action is justified,” “the poor deserve to be poor”—and the freshmen were told to chose a side. Public shaming was the order of the day: the group was divided and students singled out who dared cross over to the non-progressive side of the room.
