Congress Guts Secure Fence Act

Chad Groening, a grassroots border security organization, is outraged that Congress has approved a spending bill that includes an amendment effectively gutting a 2006 bill that called for an 854-mile, double-layered fence to be built along sections of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Last night Congress passed a huge spending bill that essentially undermines the Secure Fence Act, which called for the double-layered fence along portions of the border separating the U.S. and Mexico. The bill passed the House primarily along party lines. House Democrats basically adopted the Senate version of the amendment introduced by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), who has led charge to change the 2006 bill.

According to Steve Elliott, president of, the bill effectively kills the legislation passed in the last Congress which mandates the fence.”What’s disappointing is that the American people [had a reasonable expectation that a double-layer fence will be built based on the Secure Fence Act passage [last year,” Elliott laments. “But this amendment will, in essence, gut that requirement, will give DHS the option as to whether or not to build the fence in any particular location, and [will remove the double-layer fence mandate altogether.”
