Nuclear Jihad?

Riots in Pakistan

By Clive Jefferson, British National Party organiser for Copeland & the Cumbrian BNP Press Officer.

The BNP in (Islamic religious school) in Whitehaven.

When I read an article called “We want an Islamic world…and will use forcce to get it,” I wondered if anyone actually knew what a was and more importantly why we, the BNP, have very real reservations on allowing them to spring up all over Britain?

The article is very clear and needs no additional comment from us., and then consider the following facts:

1. Pakistan has nuclear weapons;

2. There are large scale civil riots and the country looks to me to be out of control or heading that way. What would happen if these Islamic fundamentalists take control of a nuclear state?Ask yourself – do we live in a Utopian Paradise where love, tolerance and the politically correct vision of life has us all living as one in this caring “global society?”

The answer is no; the world is a dangerous place, and nationalism is the only hope for any nation. This is without doubt the most important issue of our generation.

The question should not actually be if the world is a dangerous place, but rather if it is more dangerous now than ever before? I don’t think so. I think that the real problem is the “liberalising” of our politics; and this gravitation to the “centre ground” is a path that is endangering us all and is of the most naïve kind.

It is pure insanity to persist in an idealistic view that we must tolerate everyone, when the rest of the world is clearly becoming very much more intolerant of us and our beliefs.

This is the equation that is destroying us and will continue to destroy us until we can finally stop this madness, the greatest enemy to Britain, Europe and the Western World today. It transcends the minuscule differences over which the Lib/Lab/Con Punch and Judy show bicker. They are all part of the same mentality that is destroying our Nation – namely liberal democracy.

Liberal Democracy is a term to describe a system of Government such as we have today.

Liberalism is a political ideology based on the constant need to be “progressive,” meaning in this context gradual but continuous reform/change in moral, religious, political or any beliefs towards “tolerance,” a gradual change in what is accepted and allowed in society. This is a deliberate, planned move away from tradition, morality and laws, under the guise of increasing “intellectual freedoms” and the rights of the individual and the minority above the outdated “good of the community”  mentality.

An end to all forms of corporal punishment and towards “helping an offender” as a victim not a “criminal to be punished”……it goes on but you get the idea !

People must understand – we are not a liberal party! If you also believe that Liberalism is a cancer eating away at our society, if you think a simple return to traditional British Christian values, teaching methods and good old-fashioned common sense, the basic concept of “looking after your own first,” respect for your elders etc. etc. etc. would put right an awful lot in today’s society, then you urgently need to join, help, support or just vote for the British National Party.

Of course, politically correct claims about “tolerance” are selectively applied, cynical lies used as a weapon to undermine the West and the people who built it. “Tolerance” ends when those who question the dominant paradigm speak out.

From a Western Voices reader: As for Pakistani nukes, we are subjected to the constant line that the late Benazir Bhutto was slain because she wanted “democracy” for her land, along with the peace that supposedly comes with it. In fact, Pakistan’s nuclear program, which stoked a regional atomic arms race with India, was instituted by Benazir Bhutto’s father, Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, in 1972. Pakistan’s bomb program faced official condemnation from the United States, but in practice was winked at. The main reason why the US allowed Pakistan to go nuclear was because of the Cold War, which in South Asia extended the long “Great Game” rivalry pitting the English speaking world against the Kremlin. India enjoyed close relations with the Soviet Union, and the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan gave Pakistan status as a “front line state.” (Indian pilots flew sorties on behalf of the Soviet’s Afghan puppets after Gorbachev withdrew the Red Army). Benazir Bhutto continued her father’s program while leading Pakistan in both her terms in office (Pakistani politics consists of periods of military rule spaced with dynastic kleptocracy). The Pakistani program  uses stolen European technology as well as donated materiel and knowledge from Red China. The Chinese fear India, as both will emerge as Asia’s rival superpowers in the decades to come. Thanks partly to Bhutto family actions, Pakistan possesses dozens of warheads. Chillingly, Pakistani nuclear weapons have names like Ghauri, named for the Muslim dynasty that conquered India in the Middle Ages, Babur, the name of the great Mughal conqueror, and the Abdali, named after Ahmad Shah Abdali, another Muslim emperor who defeated Indian rajahs. In case the whole jihad thing remains unclear, another Pakistani weapon appellation is the Hatf, the name of the sword wielded by Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.
