Newspeak: Islamic Terrorism Now ‘Anti-Islamic Activity’

By Chris Brown

Even by the standards of NU Labour, the latest Orwellian- doublespeak of Jacqui Smith, Home Secretary for the UK, hits a new low.

With the backing of other Government Ministers, Miss Smith has just stood reality on its head to such an extent that you really have to wonder about her fitness to be out on her own, much less hold High Office in our government!

For in future, any further acts of Islamic terrorism that take place, anywhere in the world must be described as being perpetrated by terrorist fanatics – pursuing “anti-Islamic activity.”

Honestly, you couldn’t make it up. Surely this must rank as the most cynical misuse of words ever used in order to deny what we all know as reality!

In justification for this stupidity, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith says that extremists are behaving contrary to their faith when they carry out terror attacks, rather than acting in the name of Islam. She continues by saying that unspecified Security officials believe that “directly linking terrorism to Islam is inflammatory, and risks alienating mainstream Muslim opinion.”Clearly Miss Smith has never read the Koran, or maybe she has, but cynical disregard for facts has to take second place to vote harvesting.

Just be nice to Mr Islam, says our Home Secretary. Allow him to behave as he chooses, punish those who complain about his anti social behaviour, and one day he will decide to stop being Mr Islam and become Mr Gentle!

In what was billed as her first major speech on “radicalisation,” Miss Smith repeatedly used the phrase “anti-Islamic.” Of course, if we surrender completely to Islam and stop complaining about unfair treatment for the indigenous peoples of Britain – all this is anti Islamic you see – then all will be well!

Miss Smith went on to dredge up a well used cliche frequently used to deny terrorism is in any way connected to Islam. “As so many Muslims in the UK and across the world have pointed out, there is nothing Islamic about the wish to terrorise, nothing Islamic about plotting murder, pain and grief. Indeed, if anything, these actions are anti-Islamic.”

To say this Miss Smith is either willfully ignorant, or is blatantly lying. For whatever Islamic apologists may claim Islam does teach that it is right to subjugate, lie, and even kill in the cause of Islam.

Let’s never forget that to the Muslim, the Koran is the literal word of Allah, and that the Koran commands, not suggests, commands, Muslims to wage war on the world for the forceful conversion to Islam!

Miss Smith’s speech also referred to enlisting the Muslim community against “anti-Islamic activity.” In Nu Labour speak that equates to gaining Muslim votes – at any cost!

I wonder if Miss Smith has read these passages from the Koran?

Mmm, upon reflection maybe, Mohammed, had someone like Miss Smith in mind when he wrote the first of the quotes below?

Mohammed asked some women, “Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?” The women said, “yes.” He said, “This is because of the deficiency of the woman’s mind.”

Mohammed said, “I was shown the Hellfire and that the majority of its dwellers were women.”

Mohammed said, “Bad omen is in the woman. the house and the horse.”
