America and the Mass Animals


It is high time that the white American public began to realise just how conned they have been by the so called Melting Pot that is American society. Whilst Barack Obama is fetishised by the white liberal media and promoted ceaselessly as a ‘unity‘ candidate it has become apparent that there is no racial ‘unity’ in America and that race is an issue for all sides in the election. None more so than for blacks.

For decades white American idiots have been sucking up the Winfrey ‘lets all be one race’ crap like Labour MPs in Parliament have been snorting up lines of coke in the toilets. Yet as soon as she could manage Oprah dumped all the ‘unity’ crap rhetoric she had been venting for years and voted black, just because she was black and Obama is half black, though with a black skin to make him black enough to vote for. Oprah has made hundreds of millions of dollars suckering gullible white lemmings with her ‘lets all be one’ BS and then as soon as a black comes along, she votes black.

So much for unity.

Yet whilst blacks have retained their sense of racial unity, whites have been taught that THEIR race does not matter and that it is racist for them to think it does. But the same rule does not apply to blacks.

Blacks still think, act and vote as a Black Block.

As soon as a black candidate appears in the mainstream media then the Black Block vote for them en masse. For blacks all that matters is that the candidate is also black. The same goes for white liberals. All that matters for the sad, whining white liberal scum is also that the candidate is black. Mexicans and most other Hispanics always vote for the Hispanic candidate.

It is race and gender that are the central dynamics at play in this election, not politics and policies. This election is confirmation that not only is multi-culturalism a myth in America, but that it will always be a myth. As long as black and white skins cover hominid skeletons then race and racism between all the races will exist. Blacks will always see whites as whites, and whites will always see blacks as blacks. Even the mixed race children of the mixed race relationships will always be either black or white. There has never been, and their never will be, a melting pot.

The true measure of a society is not what is portrayed in the movies or the media but what goes on in the prisons. are the true reflection of any society, free from the illusions generated by the press. In American prisons the central dynamic is race. If you are white then you hang around with other white prisoners and you join a white prison gang. If you don’t then you become a target for the blacks, Mexicans and other ethnic gangs in the prison system. In prisons your skin is your uniform. Though you may have been raised watching the Cosby show, listening to rap, loving Oprah and high fiving your black homies in the hood – none of that matters if you are white.

There are in America White Blocks and Black Blocks.

The existence of the Black Block in American elections is proof that America is not a melting pot. A few degenerate white liberal journalists who are ’tourists’ into the ’black experience’ and who promote their vacuous views as somehow ‘mainstream’ are not representative of America. They exist in an artificial liberal, cultural bubble that is about as real as the ‘reality’ of America portrayed in American sitcoms and movies. Their BS is about as real as an episode of Star Trek.

America is a society, it is an illusion pimped out on plasma screens for the useless to digest as they choke on their supersize burgers and giant size bottles of cola. The average American, like the average Briton, German, Irishman, etc. is a Mass Animal. Raised with the TV on at all times, sent to schools where politically correct crap is pumped into their brains and saturated by media BS they do not develop into individuals, instead they become ciphers. America no longer produces individuals, it produces consumers.

The greatness of America was that in that vast land, great individuals could claim a great destiny for themselves. Now America no longer produces individuals. It produces consumers. In order to be someone the average American must become no-one. Their individuality must be replaced with commodity fetishism where they must wear the right brand of trainer, the right make of T-shirt and listen to the right music. Even rebellion is manufactured for them. If you want to rebel you can always be a plastic hippie. Even the anti-war protests are just an re-run of the 1960’s. Watching white, bespectacled New York lesbians in tie dyed dresses waving placards with ’Give Peace A Chance’ on them is about as pathetic as one could get.

America has become a caricature of itself. It swaggers around the world with its six guns blazing whilst preaching a credo of Hollywood political correctness. Love each other, man or we will drop a daisy cutter on you. Tolerance enforced by tanks on street corners, love promoted with hate for the South, diversity guaranteed with hate crime laws, the Confederate flag whilst legalising mass abortions. So much for freedom.

Like all melting pots it is always those that are at the bottom that feel the heat and get burnt whilst the scum always rise to the top.

If you want a true vision of the Mass Animal that is modern America then it is not the Statue of Liberty.

It is a fat, drunken, diseased slut with an STD that dresses like a teenager in a too tight t-shirt, dirty denim miniskirt and white plastic high heels who passes out drunk in front of the TV surrounded by empty TV dinners.
