Brainwashing 101: Mirrors of Privilege”—Whites Are Guilty, Case Closed!

Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible is a “brilliant” documentary and a “must-see” for all people who are interested in justice, spiritual growth and community making. It features the experiences of white women and men who have worked to “gain insight” into what it means to challenge notions of “racism” and white supremacy in the United States.

Article by Joe Guzzardi

In December, at the invitation of an instructor to address his class, I was a guest at Lodi High.

When I registered at the office, five teachers—separately—approached me, to thank me for having defended them and their colleagues in two highly critical columns I wrote about “Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible,” an accusatory, socialist DVD produced with the express intent of blaming whites for the failures of minorities.

On other occasions and on different campuses, more insulted teachers expressed bitterness toward school administrators who, through the forced viewing of the finger-pointing DVD, accuse its staff of “institutionalized racism”—whatever that is.

This is the same old, same old in the diversity-racism game. Whites are blamed and immediately put on the defensive.

Those who accuse are considered beyond reproach, walking higher ground—and pontificating all the way to the bank. A key point I made in my December columns is that diversity is a multi-billion dollar business that has enriched many at your expense. Firms promoting diversity survive by selling goods and services. Go to any Fortune 500 corporate website, search for “diversity” and try not to faint when you see the millions of dollars spent by America’s most prestigious companies on various trainings, workshops, diversity personnel development and recruitment.Continue… To contact the producer of ‘Mirrors of Privilege’ Dr. Shakti Butler directly at the World Trust Educational Services, Inc., please see:

Office: 510-632-5156

Fax: 510-635-5540
