The campaign of defamation includes four types of slander. They are somewhat different from one another, and contrasting them to each other will provide a good basis for understanding what a white-baiting canard is. Needless to say, these verbal formulations are tools of left-wing racialists.
Negative stereotypes are those generalizations about European Americans that cast a negative or demeaning shadow over European Americans to silence them and smother their diversity. This syllabus has discussed the four principal negative stereotypes.
Slurs have also been discussed in this syllabus. The substance of a slur is that a non-European American (or a self-hating “white” person) decides to name, label, or describe young and old European Americans using terms of contempt, hatred, and disparagement that have not been chosen by European Americans who have a decent sense of self-respect.
A slur is a verbal or written sneer plus the speaker’s or writer’s claim to have the right to name, label, or describe European Americans. It is usually a word or phrase by a left-wing racialist that combines a supremacy claim (the right to name the other) with a showing of contempt plus an attempt to smother European American diversity.
Hate caricatures are labels, figures, cartoons, or fictional characters meant to picture European Americans in a hateful way. “Beavis ‘n’ Butt-head” and “Archie Bunker” are prime examples.
White-baiting canards are statements that may be true, half true, or false, but are designed to embarrass and silence young European Americans, usually by de-contextualizing the statements and by “clock-setting.” Here are three examples of white-baiting canards.