‘Sanctuary Church’ Shelters Another Illegal Alien

Adalberto United Methodist Church sheltered Elvira Arellano


Western Voices

Chicago’s Adalberto United Methodist Church is helping illegal immigrant Flor Crisostomo defy a federal deportation order by giving her “sanctuary” inside the church.

Adalberto was earlier in the news for giving another illegal alien, http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1557 by Arellano’s arrest, and has been looking for a new poster child.

Image: Church hid Elvira Arellano outThe United Methodist Church is the second largest Protestant denomination in the United States, and is deeply split between conservatives and “mainline” liberals who embrace politically correct causes like “gay rights” and “immigration reform.”

The “sanctuary” concept grew out of a humane European tradition whereby fugitives could shelter from mobs or corrupt officials inside a church until a fair trial could be organized. The idea is now being misused by those who would destroy Western civilization. The modern form grew out of leftist support for Marxist insurgencies in Latin America, sheltering refugees, many of them guerillas, from governments back home. The “liberation theology” that forged the original “sanctuary” strategy is now being put to use as a stunt to support the corporate open borders agenda. In the United States, churches from a number of denominations have formed “sanctuary” networks. In Europe, liberal churches are often used to house scores of illegal aliens.

The pandering of white liberals is nauseating, but their wide eyed wonder at the outpourings of “people of color” is often unintentionally amusing. Their clients pick up on white liberal thinking, with the result that when Elvira http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1843 was finally busted she made statements that a blogger named Digger had to laugh at: “As if she were the Holy Mary Mother of God herself or Jesus in Gethsemane. ‘Calm down. Don’t have any fear. They can’t hurt me.'” Less amusing is the fact that these churches, which are tax exempt and thus not supposed to be politically active, flout the law and the will of the people.
