Ford Foundation Underwrites Diversicrats

by Malcolm A. Kline

Believe it or not, a left leaning foundation has taken notice of the risk to free speech on American college campuses. “Too often, academic freedom principles have been twisted to defend the freedom of students not to hear views that’s Alison Bernstein said at Harvard last year.

Unfortunately, the who make that twist, college administrators. “Of the 2,400 university presidents who were sent invitations, an astonishing 700 replied with proposals—more than one in four institutions had responded,” Bernstein reported in the Fall 2007 Ford Reports. “The response made clear the initiative had tapped into a widely shared concern over promoting pluralism and academic freedom on campus.””After the final proposals were reviewed, 27 institutions received $100,000 grants and another 16 received $10,000 grants.” If your guess is that the Ford Foundation bankrolled more of the type of programs that are already suppressing the sort of speech that Bernstein acknowledged the absence of, you may be onto something.
