Calderon Cheered by Looming US Elections

President of Mexico has high hopes for amnesty

Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon has hailed the Super Tuesday primary results, crowing that they are a giant step towards his goal of amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, primarily from Mexico.

On the morning after the primaries, which saw Democrats and Republicans choose who they wanted to see run for the US Presidency for their party, Calderon was in a buoyant   mood. “It seems to me that the most radical and anti-immigrant candidates have been left behind and have been put in their place by their own electorate,” Calderon said to the Los Angeles

The primary defeat of Mitt Romney, who had a mild border protection plan, led to him dropping out of the race. Romey’s decision practically crowns open borders extremist John McCain as the Republican standard bearer for November’s election. On the Democrat side both Hillary Clinton and Barack as a result.

Not having to embrace either side, Calderon was ebullient: “My hope is that whoever the next president is, and whoever is in the new Congress, will have a broader and more comprehensive view” of immigration, which for Calderon means legalization of the presence of illegal aliens. Calderon’s remarks came on the eve of a US visit that will take him to California to meet immigration activists as well as Texas, California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Mexico City has long hoped for a “reconquista” of these places. But conquest through immigration has other perks which help keep the tottering ruling caste in Mexico in power. The United States is Mexico’s welfare program, defusing social unrest by funneling off the poorest and most desperate of the oppressed peon underclass. Remittances sent back to Mexico from illegal aliens is also an economic boon, Mexico’s second most important economic sector, next only to oil.

Calderon’s reliance on the US as a dumping ground to offshore his poorest constituents comes from the system Mexico has had since the days of the Aztecs: a tiny kleptocratic ruling elite lording over millions of poverty stricken campesinos. Calderon himself is accused of stealing the 2006 election from Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who was part of the populist wave sweeping Latin America in response to globalism and personified by Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. The defeat of Obrador led to violence and a shutdown of parts of Mexico for weeks, and Calderon’s rule is widely seen as illegitimate. Various smolder in places like Chiapas and in July of 2007, guerillas of the Ejército Popular Revolucionario (EPR or Popular Revolutionary Army) blew up valuable oil and natural gas pipelines belonging to the government PEMEX oil monopoly in the poor states of Queretaro and Guanajuato. Calderon himself is a globalist ally of the neocons, and calls for “greater freedom in labor markets,” a key globalist demand that has helped to gut the US smokestack economy.

Calderon’s US visit will be part of a plan to put a “human face” on “immigration reform,” a difficult task since the amnesty lobby lost a major public relations battle with the 2006 “¡Sí, Se Puede!” (“Yes, We Can!”) marches. Americans were confronted with the stark sight of millions of illegal aliens marching through America’s largest urban centers waving Latin American flags, a serious element driving the subsequent public outrage that led to the defeat of amnesty plans, among them one sponsored by John McCain. The National Council of La Raza is and ADL.

With political support from Washington (and the corporations who own the politicians), Calderon has reason for optimism. He told the Times that people in the US would “sooner or later” believe that Mexico’s migrants are “vital” to the economy. In fact, illegal Third World immigration has eviscerated many social services such as hospitals and schools, nearly destroyed the low skill job market for citizens, and deflated the overall wage scale.
