From the Brussels Journal: “Whites Need Not Apply”

After years of British harrumphing about the racist BNP, the Labour Party has labored long and hard to produce another multiculti monster.

White candidates should be barred from standing for Parliament in up to eight constituencies in order to get more black and Asian MPs elected,” says a controversial report commissioned by Labour’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman.

Hard to get your mind around, isn’t it? Sounds like some Mississippi Delta Reconstruction politicking to me…are we in a time warp? These people ought to read some American history to find out what happens when you distort reality. I doubt they’ll get around to it, though. Too busy repeating the mistakes of others to learn anything.

I swear, the Labour Party must be inhabited by too many people who were overly praised for their toilet training efforts and never got over it. They just keep on plopping out these ugly, smelly notions and waiting for Mumsie to show up so they can get the promised gob-stopper.

