Illegals On the Run in Oklahoma and Arizona

By The Unreconstructed Southerner

With 2008 looking to be a the Mexican consulates are being kept busy by applicants seeking to return to Mexico.

This good news is largely lost amid the presidential race and ought to be noted by our people. It is a sign that despite that John McCain is ahead that immigration remains a powerful issue in this election and throughout the country. In many states, including South Carolina, immigration proposals are on the table that would restore the constitutional prerogatives of the states to debate and deal with this issue.Illegals are being forced to leave certain states which only means that the states to where they are migrating will also be forced to crackdown. Sheriff’s depatments all over are registered for the 287g program that will allow them to deport illegal aliens in their local communities.

As primary season approaches our members need to confront federal, state, and local officials about their positions on this issue.
