Afghans with Mexico Passports Held

Three not able to speak Spanish

Three Afghans posing as passport carrying citizens of Mexico, were detected en route to Western Europe in a case that has observers worried about links between corrupt officials in gangs, and the international jihadi network.

According to reports, three men were deported from Kuwait back to Nedumbaserry International Airport, their last place of embarkation, when Kuwaiti officials noticed that “Antonio Lopez Juan,” (42) “Javier Sanchez Alberto,”  (20), and “Atonio Lopez Ernesto,” (16) were unable to speak or understand Spanish. The three apparently had what looked like valid Indian entrance stamps dating from on 23 January in New Delhi. The Indians have detained them while they look into the validity of the stamps and have enlisted the help of Mexico’s embassy to find out how the three came to be in possession of the passports.

The Afghan group was bound for with the jihadists.
