Black ‘Payback’ Rapist Convicted

James Bernard Henderson raped white woman as slavery “payback”

Black rapist James Bernard Henderson has been convicted in the 1999 Henderson was sentenced to 77 to 96 years in state prison for the attack after a jury found him guilty of first degree forcible rape, first degree burglary, first degree kidnapping and first degree forcible sexual offense.

Henderson, 41, woke his victim, now 36, in her home, raping her at gunpoint. According to her testimony as reported in the News and Observer, “Henderson repeatedly said he was attacking her because her forefathers raped and enslaved his ancestors. The woman is, and Henderson is black.”

Henderson was identified from DNA samples taken in 1999, and a match was made in 2007 when investigators reopened the case. On the stand, Henderson attempted to explain the presence of his semen by claiming that he had had a consensual relationship with the victim.Henderson’s case failed to draw attention to a disturbing fact about black on white crime, which is far more common than the reverse. Many blacks (and other nonwhites) are driven to attack whites by a sense of entitlement bolstered by a deep seated hatred justified by official versions of history holding whites “guilty” of various historical crimes.

These beliefs are reinforced by official action, from “affirmative action” to special holidays for nonwhites and antiwhite efforts in schools and in the media. Every attack on white history and culture potentiates very real physical violence against whites.

While officialdom downplays the terrifying fact of black criminality driven by historical hatred, some events are just too spectacular for silence to prevail. The most recent such case was the February 7 (2008) mass murder in Kirkood, Missouri, when Charles Lee “ that Thornton’s actions had emboldened black racism against whites. The reaction of the media was astounding when one considers what would have happened if the race of Thornton and his victims had been reversed, with a white man shooting six blacks to death over perceived racial injustice. Katie Couric on CBS News stated that Thornton had “a winning smile,” underlying the sense in the “mainstream” media that Thornton’s actions, while reprehensible, were somehow understandable as a reaction to the “racism” of whites.

The Kirkwood Massacre occurred shortly after the 35th anniversary of the first highly publicized “Black Rage” killing spree, when Black Panther Mark Essex, swearing to “kill honkies,” killed 10 people from a sniper’s nest atop a New Orleans Howard Johnson’s Hotel. Like James Henderson, “Cookie” Thornton and countless numbers of black criminals, Essex was fuelled by a deep seated sense of historical wrong.
