Eagle-Eyed British Reader Catches Error

Thank you.

Dear Mr. Roman;

I have quite enjoyed your recent suite of broadcasts. However, I just want to correct a statement you made at the begininning of your latest one. You said “when India was granted self-determination by Britain after the Second World War, Britain made an enormous and all but irreversible mistake. It permitted millions upon millions of its former subjects — genetically alien people from a vastly different ethnicity, religion and folklore to enter Britain from India and stay there.” 
Actually, according to the April 2001 UK National Census [3] there are 1,051,800 people of Indian descent in the UK. The Indians who arrived after the second world war numbered a few hundred thousand at most, not millions. I know you wanted to illustrate how massive immigration has occurred after the war but I think you should have referred to all of the commonwealth subjects, not just Indians. Indians are generally well behaved, they don’t tend to interrmary whites, and furthermore many show appreciation of the noblest traits of white civility and personal honour. I myself have always been treated with respect by Indian people, usually when I have spoke to them in newsagents or other retail outlets. Of course that doesn’t mean that immigration controls shouldn’t have been applied back then. However, there are other immigrant groups who seem to have rapidly expanded their numbers from their initial base who arrived from the Middle East. That is a larger topic I could expound upon on the future.
I always look forward to your broadcasts and I thank you again Frank for your dedication to the cause.
