American Delusions

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie . . .” 2 Thessalonians 2:11

by treated as facts:

*That you can have a First World economy and military with a Third World population.

*That the U.S. government, which has almost unlimited access to resources, needs to borrow money and pay tax free interest to those who lend to it at no risk.

*That social dysfunction in, Detroit, and Cleveland is caused by the plantation slavery which ended almost a century and a half ago.

*That race conflict is worse in the South than in the North.

*That it is righteous for Northerners to inflict conditions upon Southerners that Northerners would not tolerate for themselves.

*That a rich government and a prosperous people are the same thing (rather than eternal opposites).

*That the election of a black man or a white woman as President will be a great step forward in history.

*That it matters which Establishment mouthpiece is President.*That the federal government can guarantee a safe and abundant food supply.

*That it matters whether paid athletes take steroids or not.

*That knows what we should read.

*That it matters whether and Brad are together or not.

*That Harvard professors and graduates are learned and wise people.

*That punitive laws are a cure for drug-taking, even though it never worked with alcohol.

*That the Republican party is (or ever has been) a “conservative” party.

*That the Democratic party still represents us common people.

*That people must always obey the Supreme Court without any recourse.

*That America is in constant danger from rightwing extremists and sometimes from Muslim terrorists, but there is no such thing as a violent leftwing extremist.

*That the federal government protects the innocent and keeps us safe. (This powerful delusion persists even after Waco and 9/11.)

*That multiculturalism and “diversity” promote tolerance, when obviously they represent envy, hostility, and the desire to dominate.
