Marxism by another name

By Josh Painter

BLT is not your grandmother’s sandwich anymore. I’m not talking about the famous bacon, lettuce and tomato taste treat here, but Black Liberation Theology. Thanks to pastor Jeremiah, a new light has been focused on BLT, pushing it from the shadows into the forefront of political and religious discussion in America. So what is BLT, and where did it come from?

Black Liberation Theology is a fairly recent phenomenum, as far as religions go. It is, in fact, more radical politics than religion. BLT orginated in the 1960s when James and other black liberation advocates began teaching that Christ was a black man:

“Christ is black therefore not because of some cultural or psychological need of black people, but because and only because Christ really enters into our world where the poor were despised and the black are, disclosing that he is with them enduring humiliation and pain and transforming oppressed slaves into liberating servants.”Cone and the others essentially borrowed Jesus from Christian theology and mixed the Savior and Karl Marx together into not a sandwich, but a new tossed salad of religion and politics. For Cone, traditional Christianity was nothing more than just another “opiate of the masses.” And Marxism had in its early days been the exclusive realm of “racist whites.” But Cone discovered Liberation Theology in Latin America and realized that black theology and Marxist politics could be presented as being fully compatible. The oil that blends the two is the culture of victimism. According to Cone:

“All proponents of liberation theology contend that the masses are not poor by accident. They are made and kept poor by the rich and powerful few… No one can be a follower of Jesus Christ without a political commitment that expresses one’s solidarity with victims.”

Cone’s curious mix of Christianity and Marxism had a tremendous impact on Obama’s friend, mentor and pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. And Wright has influenced Obama, although the Illinois Senator and Democrat presidential candidate will not admit to what degree and is short on specifics. His public denunciation of certain of Wright’s more inflammatory rants hasn’t really cleared the air. Actions speak louder than words, and Obama’s 20-year membership in the Trinity congregation has created doubts in the minds of many voters.
