European Americans United Members ‘Nauseate’ CA Resident Brad King

EDITORS NOTE: The unsolicited letter that was originally published and has since upset (more than) a couple of individuals was composed by EAU member Clint F., who simply reformatted our organization’s position on immigration into a LTE. Unfortunately, it was not publicly archived. Following a thoughtful rebuttal by one Mike Sullivan, BOD member Frank Roman fired off a response, which was then countered by Mr. King (below). In all cases we wish to thank the public who read and thought about these missives, and the Record-Bee for their support of free speech.

1] Clint F’s. letter (original)

2] Mike Sullivan’s rebuttal to Clint F.

3] Frank Roman’s rebuttal to Mike Sullivan

4] Brad King’s rebuttal to Frank Roman

Brad King’s Rebuttal to Frank Roman:

Why in the world the Record-Bee saw fit to print the nauseating racial diatribe by Mr. Clint F. (Record-Bee, April 19) in the letters to the Editor section is beyond my understanding. It was offensive to me and a great many residents of our beautiful county. The editors did see fit to appropriately rebut Fitzgerald’s comment with a reasoned and reasonable letter from Mike Sullivan (April 22).

Today, April 24, we find we now have the attentions of a national caliber bigot. Recognized and lauded by none other than KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, Frank Roman’s comments on how the world’s problems would disappear if we only could empower those melanin-challenged individuals (excepting Jews, though he did not say as much in this particular letter) that have given so much to the world.

NOTE: David Duke holds a Doctorate and succesfully ran for (and won) a seat as a LA state representative.

His interpretation of the phrase “We The People” would exclude anyone that is not rich, white and male, a definition that won’t reappear without a lot of resistance from we folks that appreciate living in the 21st century. And his opinion of the “only” reason of America’s greatness is worthless because he seems to think the phrase gives him reason to discount substantial contributions from any other demographic. Is there some reason this person needs to be published here?

Those that want to seek out his opinions can search the Internet for Frank Roman, bigot and bury themselves in his manure.

As for myself, I have more in common with any person in Lake County than this gadfly.

Roman and would much rather read their opinions. I share common values with so many diverse wonderful people here, many of whom I might even disagree with on a particular issue, but those that have my respect are those that can see beyond the lazy pigeonhole labels that superficial judgements and find what common values we share. It’s too easy to distill complex individuals’ hopes and desires into absolutely pointless differences like skin color or language and then use that as an excuse for prejudice and intolerance.

Brad King


Mike Sullivans (grammar deficient) rebuttal to Clint. F.: 

I wish to thank mr Clint F. for his letter to the record bee.

While the institution of racism in the US  Have been abolished by law. The results of the hundreds of years of those institutions will not die out in a generation or two.

Thus it is helpful to see. It in the open. Where it can be discussed. Understood. And learned from. 

I couldn’t help to note that like me. Mr Fitzgerald has an Irish surname.

I imagine he never learned that our ancestors were considered to be sub human. When they fled starving to America. In the mid nineteenth century. And that European Americans of a hundred and fifty years ago, were convinced that their unique way of life . were being threatened by these hordes of immigrants. ‘

As to the ideas of democracy, mentioned. Democratic. Republics existed in india before the sixth century bc,  so Europeans can hardly claim to have invented it.

To put that in perspective in time, Alexander the great rose to prominence, more than two hundred years later. Ironically the united states wasn’t even the first democratic tradition. On this continent.  The iriquoi. Had a democratic process of selecting their leadership prior to the establishment of the colonies. And a system of laws and representation that was studied and discussed by Jefferson and franklin when setting up the us constitution.

 Finally, what makes America great, are not European traditions which have been unjust Or horribly bloody, but  our faith in an adherence to that great document, the constitution. That document begins with we the people, not  we the mostly white people.

F. Roman’s rebuttal:

RE: Mike Sullivan’s rebuttal to Clint F.:

While it is true the results of hundreds of years of “racism” will not die out in a generation or two, no one seems to have the nerve to figure out why. As a whole, European Americans kept their end of the bargain to fix this situation but to no avail. They abolished legal segregation, accepted large-scale non-white immigration, submitted to busing, allowed academic standards to go down, denounced “racism,” and forced all expressions of racial camaraderie under ground. They deserted the vision that they had justifiable group interests and abandoned themselves to battle in society as individuals; while blacks and other so-called minorities are praised and federally funded to work as cohesive racial entities. Racial solidarity is a prerequisite for acceptance among most non-whites while it is condemned for all European Americans, and everyone knows that.

As far as the Irish not being accepted by their WASP peers, with religion playing a big factor in that animosity, the fact remains they were accepted in a very short period of time, unlike the infinitely longer animosity that continues to rage between Hispanics, American blacks and European Americans.

Finally, what makes America great can only be attributed to the refinements made to the historical manifestations of the democratic process, which Mr. Sullivan lauds so noisily, by the Founding Fathers. At its writing ‘We the people’ meant we who are of European descent and overall still does today if we examine the Founder’s secondary writings. Additionally and like everywhere else in the world, whether a nation is socialist, fascist, or post communist, the Third World is killing itself to gain entry into white lands (and not the other way around!) which do not have an American Bill of Rights or American constitution. They want to go where the white people are.

Frank Roman

Board of Directors

European Americans United
