Illegal Immigration May Day Rally A Bust

At least by last year’s standards… officials given free reign in helping to organize and participate in an event that is related to deliberating on what U.S. Immigration Policy should be. If only American citizens were so lucky to have a similar voice. Where is the State Department when you need it?

Participation was down due to the fear of deportation in light of recent ICE enforcement raids over the past year. Isn’t it amazing the message a little enforcement of the immigration laws, however belated or half-hearted, sends?

This travesty would never transpire of course, if we had political leaders who were wedded to the idea of national sovereignty and the virtues of definable national borders. Sadly, President Bush, and John McCain, are both borders advocates.“We come here to fight for legalization. We’re people. We have rights,” said Eric Molina, an undocumented factory worker who immigrated to Zion, Ill., from Mexico. And that sentiment pretty well sums up the debate on illegal immigration. Do we continue to debase the notion of American citizenship by bestowing upon those who are here illegally certain unspecified “rights” as well as costly social welfare benefits?
