Until I Woke Up

Racial monogamy is just as important as sexual monogamy, says a (female) Western Voices World News contributor

by DC

To begin with I am a firm believer and supporter in the cause of saving our race. Yes, that would be what some call the “white race.” I’m not too fond of that term so let’s call ourselves European Americans because that’s what we are. While many will, and have, called me a racist, Nazi, bigot and assorted other derogatory they deny themselves the ability to actually see me: they just think and see racist. Nothing new there. I am going to relate something that you possibly did not think as detrimental to our race, but is by and large devastating to us, whether you realize it or not. It is the disintegration of the European American family. The new ‘moral value’ compels and convinces people to change partners and spouses, thanks to the cultural input they receive. Recently, I have come to realize that I didn’t actually fathom the damage this can cause. Until it hit home.

The new society, in which we live, overall, says it’s ok to trade in the “old” mate for a new one at the drop of a hat. Barring serious irreconcilable variations that violate universal ethics in a relationship, it isn’t a good idea. My parents and grandparents experienced similar problems and obstacles that we do today, though temptation and lower standards wasn’t as openly promoted. But 99% of the time they worked through their human frailties and kept their families intact. They came to realize later in life – if it wasn’t too late and temptation hadn’t actually been fulfilled — that the spouse they had originally chosen for the right reasons was the one they truly wanted. A recent experience with my spouse woke me up. We (he) almost experienced the old adage known as the “grass is greener on the other side of the fence” moment, something I thought I was immune to. When I found out I almost walked away — except for the plain fact that he means more to me than anything else or anyone else I have ever known. It hit me like a flash that if I simply walked away without truly looking at the situation for what it was I would have made the most horrible mistake of my life, mainly for lack of effort.  I would grieve for him always, and deep in my heart I knew he would for me. As it turned out we were both right.

I turned a phrase recently to a friend where I said “Everyone wants more but most of the time more is actually less.” New experiences and new partners are exciting and in some ways ego boosting, but inevitably they become as routine as the previous relationship. My suggestion is to create new and exciting experiences with the one you have. Don’t just give up and say there is another one out there, somewhere, because the one you (both) neglected to fight for may be the one you deeply wish you had kept close. Empty spiritual & material promises mislead our people into thinking that monogamy is boring or worthless in some way – even when children are involved. The media depicts beautiful women and men, blending sexuality into every possible advertisement or promotion; tempting and ultimately granting permission for mates to stray. I always wanted to be one of the beautiful people, but alas I am the girl next door type. I struggled for years to be perfect, to find that perfect beautiful mate but never looking too far under the surface, always saying to myself the next one will be ‘the one.’ Until I woke up. We as European Americans are not a perfect people, but historically we always valued our families by protecting them with true reverence. Can we do any less in today’s diversity driven society when it comes to our extended racial family?

I suppose one could make the argument that cheating within ones race is more “acceptable” than not. But do we really have to approch such a ridiculous scenario?

The parallels that drive a wedge between individual mates and racial integrity are strikingly similar. Sexual monogamy is just as important as racial monogamy but it has become increasingly difficult to maintain both kinds in the face of commercialized temptation…the lowering of the fence to get to the greener grass if you will. We can be led to believe that something we dared not think about before may actually be acceptable now. If necessary we all have to relearn morality, to revere the one we love, because new isn’t better — it is just new. We need to teach our children and ourselves — men and women — honor, integrity, sincerity, morality and how to resist unhealthy temptations. Make them strong in their belief that honesty and loyalties in their domestic family and racial family are wonderful qualities; that saving their relationship, and preserving their unique racial genes are necessary for future generations to advance. If these important tenets are properly ingrained into our children then we will not only survive as a people, we will overcome the temptations that have contributed to the demise of the family. If we simply walk away without truly looking at the situation for what it is we risk having made the most horrible mistake of our lives, mainly for lack of effort. Deep in our hearts we may grieve for not only our lost partner but also the loss of our extended racial family. 
