Mother Love

by Laurel Loflund

I have come to the conclusion that much of the painful hoopla caused by certain women who purport to be Christian, have mixed race and children, and feel obligated to destroy those of us who hold to the historic position that like should marry, mate, and produce children with like is the result of Mother Love.

Yes, you read that right. Mother Love, defined by all the fine sentiments in’s Day cards, the memoirs of statesmen and politicians, and Helen Steiner Rice poems. But Mother Love also defined by the idea that if one threatens the kittens, the cat will scratch your eyes out, the advice never to approach the cubs for the mama bear might be nearby, and the superhuman strength that allows a weak woman to lift up the car that has rolled onto her child.

None of these are bad things in and of themselves; indeed, they are part and parcel of the most ordinary supports of humanity. Without Mother Love, a female might just as well lay an egg in the sand, scrape some dirt over it, and wobble away, her responsibility fulfilled. Mother Love is one of the things that makes us human.It’s when Mother Love becomes tied up with the specious idea that the existence of ones own child is threatened by the existence of another woman’s child, or threatened by the ideas held by the child’s parents, that it becomes pernicious. Oh, and sprinkle in what seem to be pertinent Bible passages, taken out of context, of course, then mix in a tendency to be harsh and critical. and you have a recipe for spiritual vigilanteism of the worst kind.

A mother wishes, of course, for the benefit of her children, their success and safety. This is normal and natural. One benefit of Kinism as a philosophy is that Kinist parents are dedicated to their child developing to his or her fullest potential surrounded by people like themselves, in a comfortable culture.  When everyone in a community understands the unspoken rules of the community, it’s easier to follow the rules, which makes society safer. The philosophy is not exclusive to White people; there can be Chinese Kinists, Black Kinists, Latin-American Kinists, Inuit Kinists, Hmong Kinists, you-name-it Kinists; yes, even Mixed-Race Kinists. A Kinist believes that there is something beautiful about his own kind, something worth cherishing and protecting, and enjoying in its own natural grouping.  

What the does not believe is that other people’s children and other people’s lives have to be destroyed in order for her own to flourish. The Kinist simply wishes to raise her children in peace, to glorify God by how she lives, and to enjoy her own, both family and culture.

It is hard to understand that one would choose to become a Christian harridan in order to help one’s own children to thrive or to glorify God. It goes beyond the norm for Mother Love.  And for the Mixed-Race families out there, perhaps a better answer than going on the attack against Kinists who wish you no harm would be to form your own communities where being Mixed-Race is the norm and your children can flourish amid people they feel comfortable with. Try it. You just might make things better for those you love.
