Hillary and Sexism

Did the “S” word doom Hillary’s nomination bid?

Carey Roberts

Like an over-hyped TV reality series that finally came to an end, Hillary has conceded the Democratic nomination race to Barack Obama. The Democratic Rules and Bylaws Committee drove the http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2970 in the coffin, declaring the vote of the Florida and Michigan delegates would only count for half.

Predictably, the let-every-vote-count ladies were livid. “Someone wins, someone doesn’t win, that’s life,” wailed Maryland treasurer Nancy Knopp. “But women don’t want to be http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3756 dissed.”

Everywhere I turn, http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4481. After all, this was the year women were destined to elect the first female president and make up for 200 years of patriarchal oppression.In the liberal mind, every adversity and setback can be blamed on a conspiratorial presence. Be it global warming, racism, classism, or sexism, a dark miasmatic force always can be singled out.

For Hillary, sexism is the demon that requires a daily exorcism. In a May 20 interview with the Washington Post, Clinton hit the supposed sexism in media coverage of her campaign as “deeply offensive to millions of women.”

Former vice-presidential candidate http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4521 became so worked up over the issue that she has ponied up her own money for a full-blown study. As we know, Ferraro is an enlightened guru on racial tolerance, having revealed a few months ago that “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position.”

So let’s commence the Long March to examine how entrenched sexism spelled Hillary’s defeat. I’ll warn you, though, that this discussion will quickly turn into a murky exercise of Freudian psychology. As we know, unconscious gender bias is always lurking in the shadows — so be careful about those eye-blinks, leg twitches, and crossed arms!

But really, folks, this is serious stuff — so exactly where’s the beef?

