United Kingdom Poll Results: Give America Barack

He has been manifestly promoted by a global media conglomerate peddling corresponding racial agendas, such as open borders and self-destructive tolerance, for decades.

An MSN UK article features a poll where you can select who you back to be the next US president. (Fortunately, for the thoughtful voter there is an ‘Other’ choice aside from Obama and McCain.) On 18 June, Obama was running at 75%. Today, (19 June) he’s at 77% — out of a total of over 17 thousand responses. We find this to be quite significant, but it depends on how you interpret the data. Although the site is based in the United Kingdom, it could feasibly include visitors in other countries. Additionally, it gives no clue on the voters’ ethnic, cultural or socio-economic background.
Assuming it was mainly white British pollsters then suffice it to say 77% is an eye opening figure of support. This raises the question: why does Obama command such strong support? As myriad news outlets have been saying for years, people more often than not vote for a candidate based on their personality and overall appearance rather than their policies. As you may agree and what several internet videos have confirmed, the average Obama supporter on the street cannot cite one clear policy he is pushing to “save” America.

This contrasts sharply with Ron Paul supporters, who by and large know exactly what and how Dr Paul would deliver his promises. So, assuming the voters generously overlook Barack Obama’s past affiliations with the anti-American, anti-white bromides of Jeremiah Wright, or his churches’ acceptance of ‘black liberation theology’ we should suspect they are in awe of Obamas slick charisma and words of optimism, much as the way a televanglical preacher can mesmerize an audience with emotional rhetoric. This is a sad commentary on the state of Britain’s Caucasian demographic (again, assuming all the respondents are indigenous British) inasmuch as it reflects America’s comparable myopia in terms of the lack of political savvy and the effects of multicultural, politically correct conditioning.
Of course in the case of Barack Obama, he has been manifestly promoted by a global media conglomerate who has peddled corresponding racial agendas, such as open borders and self-destructive tolerance, for decades. Any person who is running for the most powerful office in the world should be doing so on a platform based on merit and integrity rather than setting a new precedent as the first-this or first-that. But like we have pointed out in a Western Voices World News podcast, an Obama presidency would fulfill the desires of all secular and spiritual establishments, who have helped prepare the public whether they were willing or not, for this moment during the last six or seven decades. The global question now is: who will resist?
The article including the online poll is HERE.
