Press Release: ADL Attacks Freedom of Speech by “Shooting the Messenger.”

Moneyed bigots smear European Americans.

James Edwards wonders how his weekly program, broadcast on Sunday afternoon from an old-fashioned AM radio station in West Tennessee, could provoke the wrath of the Anti-Defamation League.  Edwards, youthful host of “The Political Cesspool” show, never expected to be labeled a “white supremacist” and the star of hate radio because of a fifteen-minute interview with Pat Buchanan.  But then, the powerful Jewish lobby group avoids polite language when profiling perceived enemies like Edwards and Buchanan. The words “racist”, “extremist”, “terrorism”, and “hate” pop up all over the ADL website like toadstools.
“I am amazed that an organization that has twisted the words ‘Merry Christmas’ into hate speech can accuse anyone of bigotry,” said Edwards, “the ADL has demanded the removal of Nativity scenes from public property, and dictates what public schools can display during the Christmas season, but I am smeared as a vendor of hate because I interview people the ADL hates.  I pray for them, I really do.”

The ADL lashed out at Edwards following a discussion with Pat Buchanan about his latest book, Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. Buchanan, who has enjoyed careers as a Republican speech writer, presidential candidate, and rapid-fire political commentator, surmises that there would have been no Holocaust if there had been no World War II, and blames the British for signing military pacts with Poland which forced Germany into a war Hitler didn’t want to fight.  Buchanan’s book is not the type of history the ADL condones, which has inflamed the group’s evident disdain for Buchanan himself.  The ADL now claims that Buchanan “has a long history of racist and anti-Semitic comments”, which include praise of aviator-hero Charles Lindbergh.
Despite the ADL attack and the criticisms against his show, James Edwards soldiers on.  He points out that the extensive list of past guests on the show, which is posted on the Political Cesspool website, features some of the biggest names in American politics, including minorities.  There is no politically-correct criteria for selecting guests; Edwards picks guests that fit the program’s self-described reputation as “the South’s foremost populist radio show.” 
However, Edwards is aware that the ADL will come sniffing around for toadstools again.  “Regardless of who we invite on the show, we will continue to exercise our right to free speech unregulated by the ADL, the SPLC, or any other ‘thought gangsters’,” says Edwards.  “I realize that the name Adolf Hitler triggers blood lust at the ADL. The only name they hate worse is Jesus Christ.”

Original ADL article: hXXp://

