Mass Disassociation

Questions must be asked about the huge surge in interracial relationships in Britain and elsewhere in the west, what can rightly be called Mass Disassociation.

by JR

The word disassociate in a social sense means to break away from a person or group. In moral discourse it’s often employed in a negative context, such as when a person disassociates themself from another individual because that person has behaved dishonourably or holds views that are contrary to what is socially acceptable. To give a current example, not long ago Barrack Obama ostensibly disassociated himself from the fiery Reverend Jeremiah Wright to mitigate the chance the public might think he agreed with the anti-Americanism expressed by this zealot. Of course as with many of Barracks pronouncements, it was not a firm commitment, and Obama remains on good terms with Wright.

Disassociation can also occur simultaneously by numerous members of a group. And in that regard, an unsightly large scale defection is occurring right now by white people. I’m talking about the huge surge in interracial marriage and relationships in the past five years. Just take a look when you’re out and about in public. It almost beggars belief. When people think of intermarriage they usually think of it between whites and blacks. Now everywhere you go you see white men with Orientals, white men with Jewish women, white women with blacks, and increasingly whites of both sexes with almost every member of the Asiatic race you can think of. When this trend began it usually involved young white women, typically with Black men. Now white men have followed suit and probably overtaken white women in levels of disassociation.

This is quite bizarre, because white men have traditionally revered the beauty of their own women and sought them exclusively. White glamour girls still adorn the pages of the British tabloids and fashion magazines to cater to men of all ages. Yet with so many white men going interracial, they’re contradicting that awe of their own women. Furthermore, the resulting miscegenation that arises from these relationships in the long run will inhibit the prospect of a future generation of attractive white women. Every admirer of white feminine beauty would do well to remember that our precious women do not magically pop into existence out of thin air. They are the product of a natural association of people sharing a similar genetic heritage.

When the visual prevalence of interracial couples reaches epidemic proportions, a critical mass you could say, any inquiring perceptive person must ask: why are whites disassociating themselves en masse from their own kin? Have they just come to loathe their very form, heritage and behavioural traits for no apparent reason, or is it a reaction to a long running campaign of anti-white messages and propaganda in television, newspapers, magazines, and even the internet? Have they lost the ability to recognise their own people? It’s a pity that only the racially aware intellectuals amongst us appear to identify the unique traits of whites that distinguish them from other races. And it’s a pity that the white masses often don’t appreciate their distinct traits even when they are able to recognise them.

Conversely, are the other racial groups that are mixing with whites undergoing the same process of mass disassociation? In the latter case I would say not as much. Most of the mixing between non-European races are with whites anyway, and these groups are not suffering from internal strife that has instigated a defensive nationalist movement within their demography.

Mass disassociation cannot be justified from a spiritual viewpoint i.e. that by intermarrying other races you are somehow ennobling humanity as a whole. It doesn’t help someone of another race in a far away nation, yet worsens your own branch of humanity. Snubbing your extended family in favour of other races does not engender true harmony, nor does it send a positive message to other members of your community. Loyalty does matter. A nation has the same basic needs as any group. It relies on it’s citizens to uphold the same higher goals, values and commitments about its welfare and survival. It expects co-operation from its members and above all loyalty. The morale of any group is directly dependent on all these factors, and the quality of communication of its members. As trust and bonds breakdown during a period of mass disassociation, so does the quality of communication and of community life in general. A heavily mixed race society is not one of tranquillity, idealism, peace and spiritual unity. Already in many urban areas the warning signs are already here: that it results in a tense, stale existence where life has lost it’s purpose and meaning to many. And unlike so many short lived fashions, we cannot simply return to the previous normal (and sane) way of life once our genes have been thrown into the shredder.

We are still left with the question as to why mass disassociation has accelerated exponentially. If many individual whites find each other physically unattractive, stuck up and/or unfriendly then we must ask how did white society end up in this wretched state? For example white men often date oriental women not because they find white women physically unattractive but because oriental women appreciate white men for who they are rather than demand they have a personality similar to their own. In short, egotism and individuality in whites can work against us when we uphold this strange standard of being very picky with each other but relaxing our standards when eloping with non-Europeans. We need to work out how can we coax our own people to prefer themselves as partners, the way a normal nation should function. Is there any way caring, responsible nationalists can persuade them that through their aberrant actions they’re collectively pulling us down an abyss of horror that will lead to our eventual extinction unless there is a radical change in our mindset. I myself believe in cause and effect. I don’t believe whites have decided to abandon racial loyalty at a whim without some insidious force at work. After all, early nations evolved not only by groups of humans occupying the same geographic area, but also where those people developed a common language, cultural values, and eventually a genetic predisposition to their race. That state of affairs prevailed in the west for hundreds of years up until the late 20th century, which saw the undemocratic imposition of multiculturalism through foolish and treasonous government policies. Few would disagree that prior to multiculturalism, many western countries were happy, self confident, and enjoyed low levels of crime even during times of economic hardship. But in recent decades whites have been taught that nationalism for them is wrong, and that egotistic individualism is more important than conforming to a group preservation ideology.

A liberal individualist might argue ‘what difference does it make to the rest of society if I associate with someone of a different racial background, marry them, and bear children?’. Shouldn’t I have total freedom to do as I please? Well, they might as well say ‘what difference does it make if I throw a chewing gum wrapper on the ground?’. Of course if everyone adopts the same attitude then you eventually end up with a mess. And when an environment degrades in order and hygiene then it spawns other kinds of problems as all sense of idealism and commitment to social duties is casually discarded as the first chewing gum wrapper was. The liberal individualist is not concerned with the overall welfare of their society because they’re too focussed on their selfish rights without responsibility. But despite whatever a racial liberal believes, there still exists a strong moral and spiritual desire in a large strand of any human race to associate with their own. As interracial couples proliferate, natural bonds and trust break down in the indigenous community, fomenting unhappiness, tension and division. No logical claim can be made that miscegenation improves societal cohesion, just as the infamous slogan ‘diversity is our strength’ that has been often promoted in America, is a falsehood without any basis in consensual reality.

To summarise, the harmful effects of mass miscegenation upon a white population, or any distinct racially indigenous people for that matter are the following;

  1. The genetic distance between members of the community is widened. This alienates whites who want their brethren to be united by blood kinship ties, cultural unity and physical similarity.

  1. Families can break up when alienated relatives of the white partner disapprove of the sexual union with the non-white spouse and their offspring.

  1. It creates a depressing, demoralising atmosphere that the white community is not loving itself enough through social unity, but preferring the traits of other races.

  1. It places stress on the community that can lead to repressed anger in distressed individuals who find they have no recourse to the abhorrent trends they see around them.

  1. The bonds of trust within the white community can weaken. Whites can no longer trust white strangers they encounter in day to day life will share the same ideological outlook about race and nationhood. They may feel reluctant to openly express their concern how the society they are living in is suffering due to miscegenation, a symptom of multiculturalism.

  1. It reduces the white population since the mixed race individuals usually do not look or behave white. There are fewer whites that other whites can select as mates.

VII.    There are no historical examples where miscegenation has resulted in a happier, more unified, stronger, or more creative society.

As disassociation and miscegenation propagates, it will eventually attract more commentary from nationalists. In the early years of multiculturalism, miscegenation could by viewed as a marginal oddity. But given its current explosion to the extent that you often can’t go out in public without seeing it, it poses a demographic danger as ominous as mass immigration. While mass immigration remains the prime concern of nationalists and genuine conservatives alike, on one hand it’s not as divisive as miscegenation. It’s bad enough with the government and media supporting anti-white policies, let alone white individuals acerbating their own races demise by miscegenating their genes away.


There is a bright light in the distance ahead. Unlike immigration which is difficult for a sole person to repel, disassociation and miscegenation can be avoided by the individual. If you’re white and seeking a mate then nobody is forcing you to chose a non-white, or non-European person, or however you wish to label them. If you are genetically blessed then by choosing a suitable mate of your own race then you’re helping to perpetuate the classic traits of your race assuming you bear children. And by doing so you are rendering a great service to your people at a time when our very existence is in jeopardy due to immigration and miscegenation. You are repaying nature for what you were endowed with by the healthy mate selection of your ancestors. Don’t think that someone else will do the job. In this crisis we need as many whites as possible to chose the right partner and raise children. Remember, you do have a choice.







