Suicide Of A Nation

By James Edwards

No place better captures America’s descent into madness better than San Francisco. You’ve no doubt heard or read about their controversial sanctuary policy of not turning criminal illegals over to the feds for deportation. About a month ago, illegal alien hundreds of miles away from the city. Of the 13 drug dealers farmed out all over California, 12 simply walked away from the group homes, and 10 are still at large. And today we find out that that’s just the beginning – the city has been spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to hire immigration attorneys for illegal alien juveniles who have committed felonies:”As San Francisco’s juvenile justice system shielded young illegal immigrant felons from possible deportation, Mayor Gavin Newsom’s office gave grants totaling more than $650,000 to nonprofit agencies to provide the underage offenders with free services – everything from immigration attorneys to housing assistance to “arts and cultural affirmation activities,” city records show.

“Newsom has said the city began its policy of not referring young immigrant offenders to federal authorities for deportation under previous mayors, and that he reversed the practice after he became aware of it this year. However, in 2006, the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice – a community outreach arm of Newsom’s office – created a grant program specifically designed to assist, rather than deport, “undocumented, unaccompanied and monolingual” immigrants who were in the custody of the city’s Juvenile Probation Department or on juvenile probation, according to city documents.

“The city provided $467,000 to three nonprofit agencies under the grant program from mid-2006 and mid-2008, records show, and another $200,000 was approved for two of the agencies for this budget year.”

But there was another story about San Francisco in the news the other day. After the recent triple murder by the illegal alien caused an uproar, Mayor Gavin Newsom has evidently gotten the message, and has instituted a get tough campaign to bring law and order back to the streets of San Francisco. Has he announced that he’s going to start rounding up illegal aliens and deporting them? Not exactly.
