Briton Jailed For Adultery to Fly Home With New Family

Beside corrupt government morals what is disturbing is how many good looking Englishman have gone off their own women. This story reinforces that.

A British man who faced a seven-year prison sentence in thePhilippines for adultery is being allowed to return to the UK with hisgirlfriend and baby this week.

David Scott, 37, has had hisapplication for partner Cynthia Delfino to accompany him granted by theHome Office on humanitarian grounds.

The couple’s daughterJanina has been given British citizenship following her parents’ordeal, which began when they were arrested and flung into a squalidcell in Manila when Cynthia was eight months pregnant.

They were charged with adultery, which is illegal in the strictlyCatholic Philippines, despite Cynthia having separated from herhusband.

After four days the couple were bailed and theyfled to live in a jungle and derelict houses before Janina, now sevenmonths old, was born in a tiny clinic.

David, from Swindon,Wiltshire – who met Cynthia on the internet in 2006 – paid £12,000 inlegal fees and bribes to get them to Thailand.

After the long and emotional journey, they picked up Cynthia’s visa from the British embassy in Bangkok last week.

Davidsaid: ‘It’s been a long fight having to pay bribes everywhere I go. Butevery time I look at my daughter I just know it was worth everything.’

Cynthia said: ‘I am so relieved. I am a little scared about going to Britain, but everybody is so kind.’

