The Obamanation of Desolation


The appearance of John McCain and Barack Obama at Saddleback, California’s “purpose-driven” church marks the ultimate ascent of to the Gantry-in-Chief of the P.T. Barnum Church of America. Warren’s success is living proof of Barnum’s oft-quoted observation that there is a sucker born every minute. In the event, Obama’s imitation of Christianity was so poor that even John McCain—the very model of a Christian divorcé–looked good by comparison. Obama could barely bring himself to stutter out the Scriptural passages he had memorized as his answer to the scripted questions.

Obama needs to establish church-cred, if he is ever going to win the votes of the people he hates and fears. I mean White People. It is true that the majority of Obama supporters are White People, but most of them fall into the category of self-hating Whites otherwise known as liberals. A liberal, as I never tire of quoting (from Robert Frost), is someone who would not take his own side in an argument. Rich liberals naturally support high taxes and extravagant government expenditures on the poor, preferably the undeserving poor. A male liberal—we can hardly call such creatures men—favors women’s rights; heterosexual liberals favor “Gay” “marriage,” and European-American liberals prefer all cultures to that of Europe. And, if these idiots condescend to note their skin color, they hate it or at least they think they do.Mr. Obama may or may not like the White liberals who burn incense to his TV images that fill up the evening news broadcasts, but he knows he cannot stand the illiberal Whites who do not hate themselves.
