This article is from Dec. 2000, somewhat dated to be sure. However, it is not a stretch to say it remains extremely relevant today. –Ed.
Newspeak Terms and Phrases- (The language of the socialist/global elitists who seek to subjugate the peoples of the world)
(1) Democracy- A system of governance whereby all rights and privileges are determined by the majority of the people. Usually the process of determining the “people’s will” is contrived and manipulated by the global cabal such as the polls and elections. The term gives the governed the illusion that they have a say in how things are run and is really a catch word for communism.
(2) Hate groups- Any group of people who resist the socialist-New World Order agenda by exposing their goals and means to achieving those goals. “Hate” is a verb that is designed to describe anyone who opposes the socialist/global cabal’s agenda.
(3) Racist- Any white person who criticizes minority leaders that purport to their followers that the reason for their oppression is the white man. Also a “racist” is any white person who is against affirmative action or any other form of bigotry that favors the so-called “minority”. A synonym is “Bigot”.
(4) Anti-Semitic- Anyone who criticizes Israel for any reason, or who criticizes Jews for any reason. “Nazi” and “Neonazi” are synonyms.
(5) Right Wing Extremist- Anyone who has learned that America is presently occupied by criminal elements within the government, all levels of the judiciary and that these “officials” are really minions of the international bankers and super rich narcissists who run things behind the scenes. To pass this information on will certainly saddle one with this dreaded label. Synonyms are-
(a) Alarmist
(b) Reactionary
(c) Wacko
(d) Conspiracy theorist
(6) Mainstream- A positive term that gives legitimacy to controlled institutions such as the media. Anything that is not “mainstream” is considered “fringe”. Mainstream institutions promote the goals of the socialist/global cabal.
(7) Patriot- Anyone who resists the goals and agenda of the socialist/global cabal. Synonyms are-
(a) Domestic terrorist
(b) Constitutionalists
(8) Liberal- A term that identifies a person who has bought into the ideology that government knows what is best for the populace and that it is humanitarian to finance and further the “magnanimous” nature of an all powerful government.
(9) Diversity- A positive term used by the socialist/global elitists that seeks to promote illegal immigration as well as legal immigration by foreign people of other than white European decent. The idea of “diversity” is to reduce the alarm an American citizen might feel at this influx of immigrants by assuring them that it will strengthen America. To criticize “diversity” will incur the scathing label of “racist”. The more varied and “diverse” the languages are the better and to insist that the new immigrants learn English will likewise incur the label of “racist”. No thought is given to the logical idea that the things that we share in common is something that will tend to unite us as a nation, which is of course is the whole idea behind “diversity”, it is easier to conquer a divided nation.
(10) Multi cultural- This term refers to the promoting of various cultures and norms that results from “diversity”. All non-European cultures are seen as more favored here in America since the western European culture is promulgated as suppressive and oppressive of all other cultures.
(11) Bible thumper- Anyone who believes in the traditional values and morals as set forth in the old and new testaments of the Holy Bible. The term carries a negative connotation as one who is not “tolerant”. A synonym is “Religious Right”
(12) Intolerant- An adjective that describes a person who believes in absolute truth. One who criticizes anther’s actions or beliefs that is sanctioned by the socialist/global cabal. This label is designed to intimidate anyone who talks against homosexuality, feminism, multiculturalism, or affirmative action.
(13) Homophobe- Anyone who condemns the lifestyle of the homosexual or refers to them with disparaging epithets such as “fag”, “queer”, “sodomite” or “sexual deviant”.
(14) Progressive- A verb that refers to anyone who believes in and promotes government control as mandated by the socialist/global cabal. A synonym is “liberal”.
(15) New World Order- A one world government headed by the united nations that requires the complete subjugation of all people to the dictates of a few socialist/global cabal members. Under the New World Order there will be no national sovereignty but rather a tyrannical police state in control of all property, businesses, people, and wealth of the entire world.
(16) Compassion- A verb that refers to one who ascribes to high taxes that support the slothful, disenfranchised minorities and poor, and bureaucracies that finance illegitimate births, abortion, and other symptoms of a sector of society who refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
(17) Disenfranchised- Any one of a number of individuals or groups categorized as oppressed by the “white male establishment”, (a phrase used by the socialist/global cabal to describe all white males in any leadership role in local, state or federal institutions or government).