Julie L. Myers, the incompetent chieftess of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, announced the guilty plea of a Muslim alien smuggler based in Mexico.
A story that was atop all four major newspapers I read this morning was this one:
* Immigration Slows In Face of Economic Downturn (Wall Street Journal Headline)
* Fewer Immigrants Crossing Borders (Detroit Free Press)
* Immigration Boom Slows with Economy (Associated Press)
While it’s a tiny silver lining in bad economic times in America, Idon’t see why we’re supposed to be happy that it takes severe economicsuffering at the hands of the economy to stop serious economicsuffering at the hands of illegal aliens taking American jobs.
Why is it that a bad economy–NOT ICE (Immigration & CustomsEnforcement)–must do the job of stopping the illegal alien problem inour midst? Maybe we should hire the former execs at Lehman Brothers totake over ICE. I hear they’re looking for jobs. (Full disclosure: Mycousin, Cookie Rabin Lehman, married one of the Lehmans–but that waswhen the original Lehmans were running the show at their investmenthouse, and they knew what they were doing.)
And then there’s this latest indication that ICE still doesn’t careabout doing its job. A number of demoralized ICE agents (which seems tobe every single ICE agent, save the few in top management positions atICE headquarters and select Special Agent in Charge slots) havecontacted me, upset that the illegal aliens they rounded up inMississippi were released into the Great American Abyss in anticipationof the hurricane.
Here’s a sampling of what I’ve been hearing from agents:
NOTE: Make sure you’re sitting down for this one. — Ed.
Several, if not all, of the illegals rounded up in the Mississippiworksite raids a few weeks ago were let go due to concerns over housingthem in the face of a hurricane and not having power. Also, there aremore and more of these phony show worksite raids happening, all for thecameras. Each one is handled worse than the last. ICE bureaucrats atheadquarters in Washington are hijacking each of the cases from thecase agents and running the enforcement actions as they see fit, not asthe case agent who investigated it sees fit–all for positive mediacoverage and spin. Then the aliens are largely released. This is theICE M.O.
Hmmm . . . every time there’s an impending natural disaster, we needto release lawbreakers and criminals onto America? Funny, I didn’t seethe non-alien prisons sending criminals free.
ICE . . . Your tax dollars at (make)work.