Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil


The Kinist Institute

A gang of Mestizo thugs attacked a European American boy, pummeling and kicking him into unconsciousness. They set upon their victim after he defended a friend of his from the same gang. That’s two attacks by the same gang in the space of only a few minutes. Several students recorded the attack on their cell phones and posted the video on the internet. The attack was brutal, vicious, and cowardly. But the school superintendent, a White woman, says she can speak no evil about it, because federal law prevents her from doing so.

The mother of the victim says the attack was racially motivated. The school superintendent, hearing no evil, disagrees, and instead sees it as an issue of “bullying, harassment, hazing.” But racism? Naw, it couldn’t be that; racism isn’t mentioned in school’s discipline policy. Besides, the superintendent sees no evil, claiming racism “has not been noted as a big issue” in Deming (NM) http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=5180, but if it was discovered, then “it will not be tolerated.” Of course, we know the only time racism would be discovered is if a European American student attacked a Mestizo student – clearly a racist attack. Then the superintendent would be free to talk about it, because racism is not covered by the school’s discipline policy, and is therefore fair game. In that case, not only would the superintendent be talking about it, but so would every national news outlet, Mestizo advocacy organization, and anti-White hate group. (As a side note, it wouldn’t surprise me if the attackers claimed the victim made “racially insensitive remarks”, thereby provoking and even deserving the beating he endured.)The reporterette who presented the story said the students who recorded the attack “added insult to injury” by posting the video on the internet. On the contrary, I’d like to thank those students. If they hadn’t recorded and posted the incident, then the school board would have tossed it down the Memory Hole. Instead, we know it happened, and all the school board can do is try to spin it as something other than what it obviously was – a vicious racially-motivated attack on a European American boy by a gang of Mestizos who hate White people.

The mother of the beaten boy is keeping him home for his protection. She rightly says, “That’s a lot of justice there. My son has to stay at home because [the school can’t protect him, but [the attackers have free reign.” I understand her reaction, and it’s a necessary short-term solution. But European Americans in Deming who love their race should get angry and start thinking long-term. They should demand the ouster of the school superintendent, and replace her with someone who will not kowtow to minorities when their delinquent, violent offspring attack European American students; they should run for positions on the school board; they should hold a march or a protest and demand that those White-hating Mestizo hoodlums be expelled from school; they should take action to make certain Mestizos in the area know beyond all doubt that attacks on European Americans will not go unanswered; an attorney should file a lawsuit on behalf of the victim and his family against the school system, the attackers, and the parents of the attackers; and they should demand that the attack on that European American boy be recognized as racially-motivated. If none of that happens, then the European Americans of Deming, New Mexico can count on at least two things happening: 1) more attacks upon their children, and 2) Mestizo protests, Mestizo marches, Mestizo claims of White racism, Mestizo lawsuits, and more Mestizo school board members in the immediate aftermath of a European American failing to render obeisance to a Mestizo.

