Wall Street Bailout: Useful Failure

“In a democracy, it is said, you get the kind of government you deserve. But what did the American people do to deserve this?” — Patrick J. Buchanan

by Frank Roman

Audio Version

First, I would like to apologize for the delay of this podcast. A number of other assignments have kept me busier than usual this past week. Thank you for your patience.

Well, as expected the Wall Street bailout went off without a hitch. Whereas I am no financial analyst, the blame for this mess seems to reside in so many subjective areas it would be foolhardy for me to try and nail it down and I’ve read reams about this debacle. Some people are saying the Wall Street crash is due to the “deregulation” of lending houses which resulted in the unleashing of unimaginable greed. Others say it started with government enforced home loans to minorities knowing full well they couldn’t pay them off; while a few leftists are certain it was the ‘failure of capitalism.’ Many so-called analysts declare it was an increase in the supply of money (inflation) and not from demand from consumers, which put usable money into “markets” where there is insufficient demand and so on and so forth (ad nauseum).

It all sounds like voodoo to me. It really can get confusing, especially during a presidential election season where the din of grinding axes overwhelms everything, special interests are disguised as metaphors for Mom and apple pie; and backroom deals for a one party solution bar cameras and tape recorders. In fact like Pat Buchanan recently said: In a democracy, it is said, you get the kind of government you deserve. But what did the American people do to deserve this? Yet one thing has remained clear to me from the beginning: while profits have remained privatized for a few, liabilities have been socialized for everyone else, which is to say the vast majority of the shrinking population of European Americans especially is going to pick up the tab for government and corporate malfeasance. In other words the liars and thieves are forcing us all to fix their screw-ups. And the odds of anybody ever being held responsible for this raid on our livelihoods is pretty much zero. In fact the Mafia could only dream to be so efficient.

I mean, the same creatures that caused this mess are the same creatures that have full control of the military, law enforcement and the courts. Sweet deal, right? And all the while the corporate media which we can safely assume has huge stakes in “the market” and controls the image of the politicians (Remember Ron Paul’s treatment?) is busy convincing us the four horsemen of the Apocalypse will swoop out of the sky if nothing is done. Well good, let them come.

I think it’s a safe bet that if the Founding Fathers were resurrected for a few days and given a full briefing of what happened on Wall Street they would demand to know why some European Americans were not conducting an insurrection against the District of Corruption. Anyone who has studied the Founders writings knows full well they would have gone to war over multiple reasons which many people today do not even think about. They would have gone to war to stop the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank and its fiat money schemes. They would have gone to war over desegregation, forced busing, and affirmative action. They would have called for war to stop the so-called Civil Rights Act and the Immigration Reform Act from becoming law. They would have called for war as they observed the sexual promiscuity and violence coming out of the ghettos and promoted by Hollywood. Open borders, economy-killing trade deals like NAFTA, GATT and the SPP, miscegenation, rampant homosexuality, abortion on demand, radical feminism, weakness and convenience for the sake of leisure, the diversity movement leading us to an homogenized future of collapse; I’d be willing to wager all of these signs – and more– of a degraded civilization would set their teeth on edge to the point of doing much more than throwing some overpriced tea into Boston harbor.

At any rate I have to wonder how many people are truly outraged, not only over the Wall Street theft of our money but over the things I listed a few moments ago. Because of readership correspondence I do know that we are reaching many good honest folks who are becoming increasingly radical over the multicultural/feminized/taxed-to-death/Big Brother/consumer obsessed state of affairs in our nation; and this recent bailout has gone a long way to waking people up in similar fashion to the John McCain sponsored Mexican amnesty suck-up in 2007. Now I do understand that many folks whom we here at EAU insisted engage Washington DC to oppose the bailout are quite upset at the theft of their share of Federal Reserve notes by the same people who have caused the near collapse of the entire global economy; witness the shortage of gasoline and the rising cost of food for example. But in spite of the failure of Washington DC to heed the will of their constituents, we are nevertheless compelled to remain engaged and be heard. If you “pay” taxes, stay engaged. If you have served or are serving in the military remain engaged. If you vote and had or have children remain engaged, no matter how frustrating or demoralizing it is. As European Americans we are obligated to continue to be heard, at least until we reach a point where the federal government makes it abundantly clear we are angering them by doing so, which I believe we are, and they begin to talk about a clamp down on “dissidents.”

When and if it comes to that point we may have to consider another form of “engagement.”

Just know that dictatorships are, in reality, oligarchies which is to say they follow the Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules. The current oligarchy, which refers to itself as a democracy, is the most illusory because it’s a fraud, and there is no better example of this fraud than the redistribution of your money to those who don’t deserve it — no matter who they are or where they come from. Remember: all governments are oligarchies, which means imperatives are decreed by a handful of rulers. More often than not, while they use facades such as the Congress and the Senate to pull the wool over our eyes, we are nevertheless compelled to work within the system –as they define it to exist– being mindful that in order to remain justified over our reaction should things take a turn for the worst we can say we have done all we could do. The Founding Fathers did that, you know. In the mean time it also behooves us all to connect with our associates, families and friends over the mounting degradation of our nation and people. Not everyone is as up to date as you are, so it is up to you to steer them away from talking about a solution in terms of democrats or republicans liberals or conservatives.

Labels don’t help but facts and proof of these facts do.

Where I have been doing well with people is narrowing the spotlight to a single issue, that the massive mortgage defaults were cause in part by affirmative action lending. In relation to that following the Palin/ Biden “debate” ask people one on one about how for all their high-sounding natter of preserving the middle class, there was no mention of the huge injection of 3rd world, lower salaried H1-B visa drones into our labor force, especially on the technical side of our economy. In most major cities you can see these Indians walking about downtown on their lunch breaks. Show them. On the trade front you can also point out most fields are literally drowning in illegal Mexican labor, who of course work without paid benefits and lower wages, thus displacing more qualified European Americans. Go to any construction site such as a condo or office building and note the ratio of Third World non-whites to European Americans. If it’s even close to half that’s still too many, remember that. You can also point out that we have little to no representation on this issue, because the “left” needs non-white voters while the “right” panders to cutthroat businesses who have no compunction about turning the US into a Third World squatters camp to make a buck. A good example to study is following World War II, Britain should have never imported the sub continental Indians to assist in national rebuilding efforts because they never left.

Just keep in mind your job is not to “put on the market” everything you discern all at once. You cannot gather the raw materials, manufacture and sell everything with just a couple of talks. Plant the seeds, stay in touch with your charge, and move on to the next. Just know however, that fear is no more contagious than bravery. While fear debilitates, valor rejuvenates. The Founders knew this and planned accordingly, and so should you. We will discuss this further in the very near future.

Thanks for listening.
