REDUX: Hello White Man

Your capacity to feel empathy has been replaced by the ability to be easily offended.

By Frank Roman**

Audio Version

We’ve seen you around. We’ve seen you driving your new SUV with the made-in-China “Support Our Troops” ribbon proudly displayed on the rear window. We’ve seen you out and about wearing your favorite team jersey as you get around the shopping mall for the twentieth time seeking that one shiny trifle that will make your consumer-driven life more fulfilling. We’ve heard you babbling into your cell phone about matters that can only be described as inconsequential to your reluctant audience nearby. We’ve also heard your telephone calls to the neocon talk radio shows; how you admire our troops who face death and dismemberment in Iraq so Shiites and Sunnis can vote; how you think George Bush walks on water because of his mere pittance of a so-called tax cut a couple of years ago. We’ve seen you in the movie theaters being entertained by yet another Hollywood created black hero dispatching the evil white villains. We’ve seen you at work discard the front page of the newspaper by ignoring even the slanted editorials and going straight for the brainless sports page. We’ve heard you importantly regurgitate the latest idiot box disinformation to your co-workers, knowing full well you have no real clue as to what you saw and heard. We’ve heard you pay lip service to affirmative action slogans as you slip a few dollars to some African relief fund, knowing full well that you live in an all-white neighborhood.

But I know you have not yet approached the shadow of your own hypocrisy.

**Yes, we know the posting of news items of late has been on the slow side, and for that we apologize to our loyal readership. The BoD and a number of editors have been engaged in an organizational function that portends well for EAU membership.

Thanks for being so patient!!

Have you not given any thought to the impending stock market crash, the reasons why you are taxed nearly to death, and the smothering effects of inflation? Or are you afraid to speak of such things because you don’t want your fellow consumers to roll their eyes at you? Is all you think about revolving around a new car, absurd clothing and internet porn? Haven’t you noticed the hordes of aliens taking over your nation while American factories are going to China and jobs going to India? Haven’t you wondered why otherwise healthy European-American men and woman prefer the company and romance of non-whites while your neighbor’s teens – or even your own — are emulating black gangbangers? Were you even aware of the fact that our numerical white births are declining? Have you not noticed the escalating proliferation of non-white ads and commercials, non-white athletes, and non-white advocacy groups (Hint: think birthrates)? When was the last time you spoke of these things – and so many others — with a fellow European-American and resolved to use whatever means necessary to try and right these wrongs? Nope, I didn’t think you did. And that’s the problem, fellow white man.

We are not united and if we are not careful we will be defeated. Of course I must be fair. Were it not for the federal nest of nation killers and corporate profit mongers, who are facilitating an unholy alliance of Marxism and Capitalism, they could have never achieved what we are seeing now were it now for the entrenched power those who came before us allowed them to develop. Now we understand these kinds of big impersonal facts do not appear to affect you at the moment so why bother, right? Well, I’ve got some news for you: by working as racial comrades (in conjunction with a federal money supply) nearly all non-white groups seek to dominate an already powerless people who have been rendered impotent by ‘hate crime’ laws, miscegenation propaganda and unbridled obscenity. By working as competing business partners in a steadily shrinking marketplace nearly all American corporations seek to exploit your dwindling buying power by limiting your choices of goods and where you can get them. By working for the interests of the two above named entities the mass media seeks to keep you distracted from your surroundings, disconnected from your heritage and apathetic about your future. You see, they all have rules, and their regulations call for victory, dominance, and profit while you follow no rules. Except of course the ones they tell you are acceptable to follow. In other words, your ability to feel empathy has been replaced by the ability to be easily offended.

You see, they want your children’s country, if you even have any children; the country of those who came before you and built a nation out of a profound wilderness. However, since you are well on your way to becoming the global serf these faceless bureaucrats and hostile ethnic groups can only dream of, why should something of that magnitude have any impact at all upon your comfort zone? While some of your racial kinsmen are risking their very livelihoods, even being thrown into prison on trumped up charges of “civil rights groups” sponsored hate crime laws — escalating crime rates, debauchery and corruption continue to progress unabated and you wouldn’t care even if you noticed. America as it used to be, when her racial and cultural makeup were rooted in the best philosophies and unshakeable laws which poured from the font of Europe, she would have never tolerated such an ugly transformation as we are seeing today. Oh sure, we’ve always had our share of problems, but those confrontations were an aberration and our nation’s people were able to understand the disruption and take care of it. Things would right themselves one way or another whether it was a pretty sight or not. Therefore, your lack of racial identity, your lack of a historical framework, your lack of responsibility does not give you the freedom to ignore the death of your own people. When our day of reckoning comes, and may it come soon, we will know where you stood; and you will reap what you have sown.

For everyone else — whom we can proudly call kinsmen because you’ve decided that today is not as important as tomorrow for the well being of our race — welcome to EAU. We understand that you have long ago denied the state its absolute authority over you. We understand that you believe our people are more than an objective existence. We know that you know in order for the globalists to attain domination it is necessary for them to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their devotion to family traditions, to racial and national patriotism. And we know you have resisted.

Hello white man. We’ve seen you around, too.
