Forget Bill Ayers

Here Are Over a Dozen More Virulently Anti-American Obama Friends

The Obama defenders are complaining that William Ayers’ radical bombings in the late 1960s and early 1970s are dismissible as “old news.” They declare Obama’s associations to be “irrelevant.” (Somehow I’m prompted to wonder what they’d say if McCain were a friend of a 1940s Nazi prison camp guard.) Yet Obama’s associations are relevant, as they are in fact current news, and they speak to his judgment, character and to his political proclivities and inclinations.  And we can never forget that a man is known by the company he keeps.
Here is a brief accounting of over a dozen of Obama’s long-time colleagues, associates and friends.
Khalid al-Mansour: the anti-Semite Black Nationalist racist who changed his name from Don Marshall and converted to Islam, was a patron of Obama’s and helped advance Obama’s candidacy to law school. He was instrumental in starting the violent Black Panthers group, became Kind Saud’s attorney and represents OPEC. No wonder Obama doesn’t want to drill anywhere, although he changed that tune in last Tuesday’s debate in an apparent attempt to drill for votes.
As an article in reported, “And why is it that black racists such as al-Mansour constitute a significant proportion of these hate mongers? In large part, it is because blacks have been specifically and aggressively targeted for recruitment by leaders of the worldwide jihad, just as they were targeted for recruitment by the Communist Party USA in the 1920s. Black grievance, combined with the evangelism of the Nation of Islam over the last seventy years, has established an audience for the ideology of hate.”
It is notable that Khalid al-Mansour is an advisor and friend to Prince al-Walid bin Talal, the Saudi sheik to whom Mayor Rudy Giuliani returned a $10 million check right after 9/11 because bin Talal stated that America brought the bloodthirsty attack on itself due to our foreign policy.
Rashid Khalidi: an enthusiastic supporter of the Palestinians, fervent critic of Israel (which he calls a destructive “racist” state), an admirer of suicide bombers and a driving force behind the Arab American Action Network (AAAN). This so-called pro-Palestinian “community organization” in Chicago is another beneficiary of the Obama-Ayers team at the Woods Fund. It promotes an agenda that would horrify Obama’s Jewish supporters and any normal person. In fact, both Sen. Obama and Mr. Ayers actually spoke at a testimonial dinner for Rashid Khalidi.
According to Jack Kelly in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “ ‘Khalidi and Obama lived in nearby faculty residential zones and the two families dined together a number of times,’ a source on the University of Chicago faculty told WorldNet Daily. ‘The Obamas even babysat the Khalidi children.’ ”

